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金氏药酒蜡灸 moxibustion with Dr.Jins medicinal wine英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-13 09:46:50


金氏药酒蜡灸,moxibustion with Dr.Jin"s medicinal wine

1)moxibustion with Dr.Jin"s medicinal wine金氏药酒蜡灸

1.Clinical obversation on the curative effect ofmoxibustion with Dr.Jin"s medicinal wine to treat knee osteoarthritis金氏药酒蜡灸治疗膝关节骨性关节炎疗效观察


1.Clinical obversation on the curative effect of moxibustion with Dr.Jin"s medicinal wine to treat knee osteoarthritis金氏药酒蜡灸治疗膝关节骨性关节炎疗效观察

2.Introduction to clinical studies of acupuncture and moxibustion of Britain Foundation of TCM英国中医药基金会的针灸临床研究情况介绍

prises genera Hamamelis; Corylopsis; Fothergilla; Liquidambar; Parrotia; other small genera.包含金缕梅属;蜡瓣花属;福氏金缕梅属;胶皮糖香树;其它小型属。

4.Detection of Metallo-β-lactamases Produced by Multi-drug Resistant Acinetobacter baumanniiICU多药耐药鲍氏不动杆菌金属β-内酰胺酶检测

5.gum from an acacia tree; used as a thickener (especially in candies and pharmaceuticals).来自金合欢属树木的树胶,用作增稠剂(尤其用于制蜡烛和药品)。

6.The most commonly used drug to treat the disease is levodopa.治疗帕金森氏综合症最常用的药物是左旋多巴。

7.These include acupuncture, herbology, moxibustion, food therapy, cupping, qigong exercises and others.这些方法有针灸、草药、艾灸、食疗、拔火罐、气功等等。

8.Research for the Mechanism of Microalloyed Carbonitride for the Martensitic Stainless Steel Hard-facing Flux-cored Wire Deposited Metal;马氏体不锈钢硬面药芯焊丝堆焊层金属碳氮微合金化研究

9.and the instruments and trays for use with it are all to be of the best gold.灯台的蜡剪和蜡花盘也是要精金的。

10.Its wick trimmers and trays are to be of pure gold.38灯台的蜡剪和蜡花盘也是要精金的。

11.Clinical Research on Treating Raynaud s Disease with Point Injection Combined with Moxibustion;穴位注射配合艾灸治疗雷诺氏病的临床研究

12.Clinical study on acupuncture combined with moxibustion on temperature-sensitive points for treatment of Bell palsy in the acute stage针刺配合热敏点灸治疗急性期贝尔氏面瘫

13.a sharp metal spike to hold a candle.插蜡烛的尖的金属钉。

14.This car wax is manufactured for metal cars.晶体金属蜡是专为金属车开发的汽车蜡。

15.The first antibody drug for cancer finally was approved for patients in 1997 for non-Hodgkin"s lymphoma.1997年最先获准用于治疗非霍金森氏淋巴瘤的抗体药物。

16.Effect of Containing Jin Dan Shui Wan Solution Serum on BMP-2, ER Expression of Rat Bone Marrow Stromal Cells;解氏金丹水丸含药血清对大鼠骨髓基质细胞BMP-2、ERmRNA表达的影响

17.As for non-drug therapy, there are acupuncture and moxibustion, massage, and cupping.非药物治疗包括针灸、摩、火罐等。

18.As for the investigated interventions,25 studies assessed TCM and 12 assessed acupuncture.干预措施为中医药者25篇,针灸者12篇。


Medicinal moxibustion药灸

1.Clinical Study on Treatment of Simple Obesity with Warm Needling Plus Medicinal Moxibustion and Electroacupuncture;温针药灸与电针治疗单纯性肥胖的临床研究


4)Jinqianbaihuashe medicinal wine金钱白花蛇药酒

5)antiparkinsonism drugs抗帕金森氏病药

6)drug for parkinson"s disease抗巴金森氏病药


药饼灸药饼灸 药饼灸 灸法之一。即隔饼灸。参见该条。

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