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高考移民 the immigrants for NCEE英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-18 10:37:23


高考移民,the immigrants for NCEE

1)the immigrants for NCEE高考移民

1.The phenomenon ofthe immigrants for NCEE has aroused great attention.高考移民现象已引起社会的广泛关注,相关争论此起彼伏。

2.The immigrants for NCEE" is a long-standing phenomenon, which causes a lot of social issues.“高考移民”现象由来已久 ,引发许多社会问题。

3.Shortly before the National College Entrance Exam (NCEE) of ,many governments put forward the policies of " occludingthe immigrants for NCEE", which caused great social influences."高考移民"现象由来已久,引发许多社会问题。


1.The thought of administrative law about the event of "occluding the immigrants for NCEE;封堵“高考移民”事件的行政法思考

2.The Constitutional Thought on the Event of "Occluding the Immigrants for NCEE;对“封堵高考移民”事件的宪法学思考

3.Policy and Jurisprudence Analysis on "Mobile Population for College Entrance Examination";“高考移民”问题的政策与法理分析

4.The Analysis on the Phenomenon of the Internationalization of the Moving Examinees in the National Entrance Examination and the Educational Equity;“高考移民”国际化与教育公平问题

5.The Basic Analysis and Resolving Thought of the Problem of the Emigration before the College Entrance Examination;高考移民问题的基本分析及解决思路

6.Deep Reasons of the "National College Entrance Examination Migrant" Phenomenon and the Countermeasures;“高考移民”现象的深层原因及对策分析

7.Analysis of the Legitimacy of College Entrance Examination Migration;高考移民现象的合法性辨析——教育法学之视角

8.On the Phenomenon of College Entrance Examinations lmmigrants--the viewpoint of just allocation;高考移民现象的再认识——从分配公正的视角

9.Research on the phenomenon of examinees with false registered residence in the Ming and Qing Dynasty--Also on its enlightenment on how to solve the contemporary "immigrants in the national college entrance examinations";明清“冒籍跨考”现象探析——兼论对解决当代“高考移民”问题的启示

10.Should Talents be Selected According to Their Abilities or Residence Areas?--Considering the "National College Entrance Examination Migrant" Phenomenon in View of the Household Registry System in China;凭才取士还是逐路取士?——由中国户籍制度考量“高考移民”现象

11.The Status Quo and Its Causes of the Realization of Equal Education Right Through Entrance-Examination;从高考移民看我国平等受教育权利实现的现状及原因分析

12.On the Issue of "Immigrated Examinees for the National College Entrance Examination" In West China;论西部地区的"高考移民"问题——兼论科举时代的"冒籍"现象

13.A Proofreading and Research on Hunan Immigrant Examples of the Tang and Song Dynasties in "History of Chinese Immigrants";《中国移民史》唐宋湖南移民实例考校

14.Reflection on University Libraries in Three Geoges Reservoir Areas Serving Migrants" Economic Construction三峡库区高校图书馆为移民经济建设服务的思考

15.Those who take General Training Module should check with the Immigration Office for the band requirement.移民类的考生可以通过有关移民局确认移民申请所需的基本成绩。

16.History of world reservoir resettlement and TGP resettlement review;世界水库移民历史及三峡百万移民特点考察

17.Immigrant and Regional Development--Reflecting on Wenzhou Immigrant Society移民与区域发展——温州移民社会几个问题的思考

18.Ethnological Investigation on the Ecological Immigration of Reindeer Ewenki;驯鹿鄂温克人生态移民的民族学考察


immigrated Examinees for the National College Entrance Examination高考移民

1.The problem of "immigrated Examinees for the National College Entrance Examination" has being become a hot debate."高考移民"问题作为目前社会上的一个热点问题,正在逐步引起大众的关注,已日渐成为一个社会问题。

3)college entrance examinations immigrants高考移民

1.The main cause of the phenomenon ofcollege entrance examinations immigrants is that the present allocation of higher education resources is seriously unbalanced.高考移民出现的根本原因在于现行高教资源分配的严重失衡。

4)the Gaokao migrants高考移民热

1.There raisedthe Gaokao migrants after 1977,but it developed a great mass fervour by the end of 1990s.本文首先界定高考移民热的含义,在此基础上从社会、文化、政策以及学校层面上探析高考移民热的成因。

5)the immigration climax移民高潮

6)The Investigation of Migration in Wuyishan武夷山移民考


春季高考2000年1月,北京、安徽两地在全国率先进行春季高考的改革,不再"一考定终身"。参加春季招生的考生报名条件与2000年全国统一高考招生考试的报名条件相同,但高等学校、普通高中和中等职业学校和其它国家承认学历的各类学校在校生不得报考。春季高考的组织方法、考试规则、录取等均按全国普通高校统一招生的有关规定实施。2000年全国共有29所高校参与招生,北京包括北方工业大学、北京工业大学等13所,安徽省16所,共计划招收7426名学生。日期定为2000年1月19日、20日、21日三天,各科试题由教育部考试中心统一命题,考试内容与难度与全国统一高考相当。第一年进行春季高考,安徽的竞争就十分激烈。本科、专科、新高职三个招生批次的总计划有6191名,而考生则有3.5万人,本科最低录取分数线文理科分别比上年秋季招生的分数线高出23分和34分;专科最低分数线文理科比上年秋招的分数线分别高出2分和11分。相比之下,北京的春季高考则是逐渐升温。 2000年,北京地区计划招生人数1715人,而报名人数只有1101人。从理论上说,只要有人考试,就一定能录取。但这一年,北京在静悄悄中结束了第一次春季高考。2001年,计划招生人数却减少到1440人,而报名人数几乎增加3倍,达到3073名。今年,北京的计划招生人数继续减少,北京工业大学等12所市属院校招收1437人,可报名人数攀升到4968人。增加春季高考,缓解了夏季一次高考对考生的压力,带给考生更多的接受高等教育的机会,也鼓励一部分社会青年继续深造,从而有利于延缓社会就业的压力。春季高考还在一定程度上缓解了中学升学的压力,为全面实施素质教育创造了宽松的环境。并且春季高考为高校扩大招生规模提供了机遇,为学校探索实行学分制创造了条件,有利于提高办学效益,促进学校加快专业改造,促进高校加快教学和管理等方面的改革。三年以来,春季招生取得了成功经验并在社会上产生了良好的影响。作为新生事物,春季高考需要进一步完善有关政策规定和操作办法,特别是需要在社会上大力宣传,以使全社会对春季高考加深了解,进一步深化高考制度改革,推进中学全面实施素质教育

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