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牙龈瘤 Epulis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-01 07:47:03




1.A Clinial Study of Teeth TreatingEpulis by Using Fluid Nitrogen;液氮治疗牙龈瘤受累牙的临床研究

2.Treatment of epulis by pinyangmycine injection平阳霉素局部注射治疗牙龈瘤的疗效观察

3.Clinical Evaluation on Treatment ofEpulis by Pinyangmycine Injection Combined with Surgical Excision平阳霉素注射联合瘤体切除治疗牙龈瘤的临床评价


1.Treatment of epulis by pinyangmycine injection平阳霉素局部注射治疗牙龈瘤的疗效观察

2.Clinical Evaluation on Treatment of Epulis by Pinyangmycine Injection Combined with Surgical Excision平阳霉素注射联合瘤体切除治疗牙龈瘤的临床评价

3.Peripheral ameloblastoma in mandibular gingiva: Report of one case下颌牙龈外周型成釉细胞瘤1例报告

4.Clinic analysis of hereditary gingival fibromatosis遗传性牙龈纤维瘤病的临床病例分析

5.The Investigation into SOS1 Gene of Hereditary Gingival Fibromatosis from Chinese Parentage;对我国遗传性牙龈纤维瘤病SOS1基因的研究

6.Exclusive Gene Location of Hereditary Gingival Fibromatosis;遗传性牙龈纤维瘤病致病基因的排除性定位

7.The Etiology,Clinical Manifestations,Histopathology and Treatment of Idiopathic Gingival Fibromatos特发性牙龈纤维瘤病的病因临床表现及治疗

8.Establishment of Immortalized Lymphoblastoid Cell Bank of Hereditary Gingival Fibromatosis Pedigrees and Their Karyotype Analysis遗传性牙龈纤维瘤病家系永生化细胞库的建立及染色体初步分析

9.of or relating to the gums.属于或与牙龈、牙床有关。

10.To grow through the gums. Used of teeth.出牙从牙龈中长出新牙。用于牙齿

11.To have(a new tooth) grow through the gums.出牙从牙龈中长出(新牙齿)

12.The Effect of Gingivitis on Cyclosporine A-induced Gingival Overgrowth;牙龈炎症对环孢素A诱发牙龈增生的影响的研究

13.Hereby we present an oral non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma with clinical appearance of gingival hyperplasia.本病例报告一个发生在口腔的非何杰金氏淋巴瘤,在临床上以牙龈增殖之型式表现出来。

14.fibromatosis gingivae hypertrichosis syndrome龈纤维瘤病多毛综合征

15.Blood comes out from the gum between the teeth.血从牙缝间的牙龈处流出来。

16.For example, dentists are now using laser light to treat diseased gums and teeth.例如,使用激光治疗损坏的牙龈和牙齿,

17.How your gums have shrunk since your teeth were extracted!你拔牙之后,牙龈萎缩了不少啊!

18.The beam emerges from the tip, shining onto the tooth or gums.光束从顶端射出,照在牙齿或牙龈上。


Gingival neoplasm牙龈肿瘤

3)hereditary gingival fibromatosis牙龈纤维瘤病

1.Clinic study ofhereditary gingival fibromatosis;遗传性牙龈纤维瘤病的临床研究

4)epulis granulomatosa肉芽肿性牙龈瘤

5)congenital epulis先天性牙龈瘤

6)epulis fibromatosa纤维性牙龈瘤


疳(匿^虫)牙龈疳(匿^虫)牙龈 疳(匿^虫)牙龈 病名。《杂病源流犀烛》卷二十三:“有疳(匿^虫)牙龈、臭烂多脓、唇颊穿。”即指齿龈初起肿痛,继之腐溃流脓,甚则穿破唇颊。多由阳明胃火炽盛上炎所致。治宜清胃泻火,解毒排脓。方选清胃散、玉女煎、托里排脓汤等。外用清咽利喉散吹喉。

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