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卵巢癌早期诊断 the early diagnosis of ovarian cancer英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-17 18:14:09


卵巢癌早期诊断,the early diagnosis of ovarian cancer

1)the early diagnosis of ovarian cancer卵巢癌早期诊断

1.In our early research,we found that the CXCL1 and the different subtype IL-8 may be well used inthe early diagnosis of ovarian cancer.本课题为探讨综合判断CXCL1蛋白和不同亚型IL-8的表达能否成为卵巢癌早期诊断的新标志而努力,旨在推动卵巢癌的诊断由应用单一肿瘤标志物发展成为应用蛋白质谱的改变来进行综合判断。


1.Advances on Serum Tumor Markers of Early Diagnosis of Ovarian Cancer卵巢癌早期诊断的血清肿瘤标志物研究进展

2.Significance of Screening Differential Expression Gene in Ovarian Cancer in Early Diagnosis by Using cDNA Microarray;应用基因芯片技术筛查差异表达基因在卵巢癌早期诊断研究中的意义

3.Discrimination Analysis Application in Ovarian Cyst Early Stage Discrimination Diagnosis and Its Software Development;判别分析在卵巢囊肿早期鉴别诊断研究中的应用及其软件开发

4.The diagnosis was ovarian cancer.诊断结果她患的是卵巢癌。

5.The Clinical Significance of Inhibin A in Ovarian Tumor s Diagnosis;抑制素A在卵巢癌诊断中的临床意义

6.GCDFP-15 as Specific Molecule Involved in Ovary Cancer Resulted from Metastasis of Breast CancerGCDFP-15对乳腺癌卵巢转移的诊断价值

7.The diagnostic value of ovarian cystadenocarcinoma with MRI and CT卵巢囊腺癌的MRI和CT诊断价值

8.Meta-analysis on diagnostic value of cancer antigen 125 for ovarian cancerCA-125对卵巢癌诊断价值的Meta分析

9.The Research on Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment of Auto-immunity of POF自身免疫性卵巢早衰的诊断与治疗的研究

10.Clinical Analysis of Changes of Ovarian Function on Ovarian Transposition in the Young Patients with Early Cervical Carcinoma for 29 Cases;年轻早期宫颈癌患者卵巢移位术后卵巢功能变化

11.Research on the Diagnosising of Ovarian Cancr Based on Proteomics;基于蛋白质组学的卵巢癌诊断方法研究

12.Preliminary Study on Travenous Ultrasound Contrast and Serum Proteomic Spectra in Diagnosis of Ovarian Cancer;超声造影及蛋白质谱诊断卵巢癌初步研究

13.A Comparison of ~(18)FDG-PET and CT or MRI on Diagnosing Recurrent Ovarian Cancer: Meta-Analysis;PET与CT、MRI诊断复发性卵巢癌的比较的Meta分析

14.Pricinple of Diagnosis and Treatment of Recurrent Epithelial Ovarian Carcinoma Clinical Report of One Case;复发卵巢上皮性癌诊断及治疗原则(附1例)

15.Diagnostic Value of Determination of SLPI and CA125 in Patients with Ovarian Cancer;血清中SLPI及CA125联合检测在卵巢癌诊断中的价值

16.Establishing ovarian cancer serum diagnosis model with MALDI-TOF MS利用MALDI-TOF MS进行卵巢癌血清诊断模型的建立

17.Diagnostic Value of FDG PET/CT in the Detection of Recurrent Ovarian Cancer:a Meta AnalysisFDG PET/CT显像对复发性卵巢癌诊断价值的Meta分析

18.Diagnosis and Prognosis Value of the Serum CA125 and CA199 Detection in Patients with Epithelinl Ovarian CancerCA125和CA199检测对卵巢上皮癌诊断和预后的价值


Epithelial Ovarian Cancer/diagnose卵巢上皮癌/诊断

3)early diagnosis of cancer早期癌症诊断

4)early detection of breast cancer乳腺癌早期诊断

5)Research Progress in Early Diagnosis for Lung Cancer肺癌的早期诊断

6)Early diagnosis of cervical cancer早期诊断宫颈癌



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