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中枢神经 central nerve英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-24 08:05:47


中枢神经,central nerve

1)central nerve中枢神经

1.Psychological and physiological effect of shadow boxing s improvement ofcentral nerve and pereipheral proprioceptive sense;太极拳促进中枢神经与外周本体感觉的心理生理学效果

2.Pathological studies oncentral nerve of rabbits induced by hemerocallin were carried out.本研究旨在对萱草根素中毒家兔中枢神经系统进行病理学研究。

3.To explore the function of PDE in caninecentral nerve, gene expression of 18 PDE subtypes in different fractions of caninecentral nerve(cerebrum,cerebellum,myelencephalon and spinal cord) were detected by RT-PCR,and PDE activity was calculated by the content changes of cyclic nucleotides before and after the PDE reaction examined by high performance liquid chromatography.为探明磷酸二酯酶(phosphodiesterase,PDE)在犬中枢神经活动中的作用,采用反转录聚合酶链反应检测18个PDE亚型在犬中枢神经不同部位中(大脑、小脑、延髓和脊髓各段)的表达分布,以高效液相色谱法检测环核苷酸在酶反应前后的含量变化,计算PDE活性。


1.The central nervous system is congested.中枢神经系统已经充血。

2.central nervous system physiology中枢神经系统生理学

3.central nervous system stimulant中枢神经系统兴奋药

4.central nervous system leukemia中枢神经系统白血病

5.a stimulant for the central nervous system.中枢神经系统的刺激物。

6.malformation of central nervous system中枢神经系统先天畸形

7.BACKGROUND: Central nervous system has neural plasticity, i. e., nervous reconstru ction.背景:中枢神经系统具有神经可塑性,即神经重构。

8.Expression of GIF Gene in Little Mouse s Central Nervous System;GIF基因在小鼠中枢神经系统中的表达

9.Subunits Com bination of G A B A A Receptorin Central Nervous System;中枢神经系统中GABA_A受体的亚单位组合

10.Expression of P2X_5 Receptors in the Mouse CNSP2X_5受体在小鼠中枢神经系统中的表达

11.PICK1 is associated with central nervous system diseasesPICK1在中枢神经系统疾病中的作用

12.Mechanism of Nogo during regenerating in the lesioned central nervous systemNogo在中枢神经损伤再生中的作用机制

13.Of, relating to, or originating from the nervous system.中枢神经的属于、关与或起源于神经系统的

14.Optic nerve and retina are parts of central nervous system.视神经与视网膜是中枢神经系统的一部分。

15.Transmitting nerve impulses toward the central nervous system;afferent.传入的向中枢神经系统传送神经脉冲的;传入的

16.Transmitting nerve impulses away from the central nervous system;efferent.传出的由中枢神经系统传出神经脉冲的;传出的

17.Postoperative Infections of CNS: A Retrospective Study神经外科术后中枢神经系统感染的临床研究

18.Analysis of Imaging Manifestations of Neuronal Tumors of Central Nervous System中枢神经系统神经元肿瘤的影像学分析


Central nervous system中枢神经

1.Although many studies have addressed fatigue mechanisms at the muscular and peripheral neuromuscular systems, little knowledge is known regarding activity of the central nervous system (CNS), especially the brain, during fatigue.虽然许多研究已经说明了肌肉和外周神经肌肉系统的疲劳机制,但是肌肉疲劳期间对中枢神经系统特别是脑的有关研究仍然很少。


parason and Study of RatCNS Destroying Methods;大鼠中枢神经毁损方法的研究与比较

2.Study on effects of Uncaria tomentosa onCNS绒毛钩藤影响中枢神经系统的药理学研究

4)central nerve system中枢神经

1.Results:There is a two-way regulation of Acorus tatarinowii Schott for thecentral nerve system.目的:全面了解和反映石菖蒲中枢神经系统作用的研究概况。

5)nerve centre中枢神经

1.Through an illustration of the factors that affect flexility and a discussion of the various effects of body emperature and excitability ofnerve centre on the flexility, we know that, in practice, sensory stimulation interfused with active exercise can help to bring the body temperature and the exciting degree ofnerve centre to the best state for developing flexility.影响柔韧素质的因素很多,其中体温及中枢神经兴奋性对柔韧素质的影响具有可塑性。

6)nerve center神经中枢



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