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小组教学 group teaching英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-19 21:35:23


小组教学,group teaching

1)group teaching小组教学

1.Forming Developing Method-Portfolio Assessments Advancing the Participation of All the Students--An Applied Research of Group Teaching in Preschool Hygienics Classroom Teaching of High Vocational Education (Evaluation Department);形成发展性档案袋 促进学生全面参与——小组教学在学前教育专业《学前卫生学》教学中的应用探索(评价部分)

2.The task-drivengroup teaching method is to divide the whole class students into several learning groups,then drive the member of the group to complete practical task by cooperation and exploration in the process of skills teaching.任务驱动式小组教学法是将全班学生分成若干学习小组,在技能教学过程中以一定的学习任务来驱动小组成员通过协作、探究共同完成实操任务的教学方法。

3.This paper, based on the reform of theoretical teaching in advanced vocational education, is to explore the using ofgroup teaching in advanced vocational education under the background of the reform of new courses of basic education.本文以高职理论课教学改革试验为基础 ,试图探讨基础教育新课改实施背景下 ,小组教学在高职教学中的应用问题。


1.An Application and Exploration of "Group Teaching" In Theoretical Classroom Teaching of Advanced Vocational Education;小组教学在“高职”理论课堂教学中的试验与探索

2.Research of building a group teaching intervention model in nursing education护理教学建立小组教学干预模式的探索

3.Application of the Group Self-teaching Method in the "Group Work" Curriculum小组自主教学法在《小组工作》教学中的应用

anizing Group Collaborative Learning to Guaranty English Teaching Quality;组织小组协作学习,保证英语教学质量

5.Working Group on Provision of Primary Graduate Teaching Posts提供小学学位教师工作小组

6.Group Work in College English Teaching;关于大学英语教学中的学生小组活动

7.Ad Hoc Sub-committee on Pre-primary Education [Board of Education]学前教育临时工作小组〔教育委员会〕

8.Sub-committee on Review of School Education [Board of Education]学校教育检讨小组〔教育委员会〕

9.Resource Teaching Unit [Education Department]辅导教学服务小组〔教育署〕

10.Research on "Group Cooperative Study" in Class Teaching of Primary and Middle Schools中小学课堂教学中的“小组合作学习”探究

11.Our group blocked out a( teaching plan) in this term.我们小组草拟了一份本学期教学计划。

12.A Study of Theme-Based Group Teaching of College Oral English;主题型小组式大学英语口语教学研究

13.On Application of "Collective Learning" in English Teaching and Learning;“小组合作学习”在英语教学中的运用

14.Researches in Theory of Cooperative Learning Used in Class Teaching & Class Management;论小组合作学习理论在中学教育教学中的运用

15.The Systematic Design of Group Cooperative Learning Based on Thoughts over the Differential Instruction;基于差异教学的小组合作学习教学设计

16.The application of group activity in foreign language teaching;任务型教学小组活动在大学英语教学中的应用

17.The Grouping Study of the Group Cooperation Learning Based on the Differentiating Instruction;基于差异教学的小组合作学习分组研究

18.Group Cooperative Study in Small-Class English Teaching;小组合作学习在小班英语教学中的探索与实践


teaching groups教学小组

1.<Abstrcat>The article stated the role ofteaching groups and reseurched how to make good use of the power ofteaching groups to improve teaching standard.文章阐述了教学小组在教学教研过程中的作用和地位,对如何更好地发挥教学小组的力量、提高教学水平做了初步探讨。

3)group creative teaching小组创新教学

1.A study on theory and practice ofgroup creative teaching in the teaching of senior biology;高中生物学小组创新教学的理论与实践研究

4)group work″teaching小组合作教学

5)Group Exploratory Style Teaching小组探究式教学

1.The Practice ofGroup Exploratory Style Teaching of Senior Chemistry;高中化学小组探究式教学的实践与研究

2.Research on the Contribution ofGroup Exploratory Style Teaching to the Development of Creativity of Senior High School Students;小组探究式教学对促进高中生创新能力发展的研究

6)conference on methodology教学小组的例会



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