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新生儿死亡率 Neonatal mortality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-21 04:34:36


新生儿死亡率,Neonatal mortality

1)Neonatal mortality新生儿死亡率


1.The mortality rate of newborns dropped to 3.7 per thousand.新生儿死亡率已降至3.7‰。

2.Conversely, attempts to prolong pregnancy with expectant management may result in fetal death or asphyxial damage in utero and increased maternal morbidity.急诊分娩会带来高新生儿死亡率和患病率,并且因早产会延长胎儿在重症监护病房的住院时间。

3.Infant death rate,Death of infants under 1 year, excluding fetal deaths; rates per 1,000 registered live Births婴儿死亡率,是指1岁以下婴儿的死亡率,不包括胎儿死亡,每一千个已登记的新生儿的死亡率

4.45.8% of newborn babies had an Apgar score≤7 points and the perinatal mortality was 83.3‰.有45.8%的新生儿阿氏记分≤7分,围产期死亡率为83.3‰。

5.The associateion of postterm pregnancy with neonatal asphyxia and death of perinatal period过期妊娠与新生儿窒息及围生儿死亡

6.neonatal mortality一个月以下的初生婴儿死亡率

7.postneonatal mortality一个月至一岁以下的初生婴儿死亡率

8.Analysis of the Project of Reducing the Mortality of the Pregnant and Lying-in Women And Eliminating the Tetanus to Newborn in Zhuxi County;竹溪县降低孕产妇死亡率和消除新生儿破伤风项目分析

9.Infant mortality was 20 deaths per thousand live births in 1986.1986年的婴儿死亡率为生育成活率的千分之二十.

10.In ancient times infant mortality was extremely high.在古代婴儿死亡率极高。

11.Step by Step Guide for the Establishment of Child Mortality儿童死亡率评估入门

12.The Clinical Study on the High Risk Factors for the Death of the 128 Cases of Neonatal Sepsis;128例新生儿败血症死亡高危因素分析

13.Analysis of surveillance for 1297 neonatal deaths in Chongqing from year to 重庆市~1297例新生儿死亡分析

14.Results There were 9 cases of death with a mortality rate of 8.6%.结果共有9例患儿死亡,死亡率8.6%。

15.Dealing with indication of caesarean birth reasonably and reducing perinatal mortality.合理掌握剖宫产指征降低围生儿死亡率

16.Perinatal mortality associated with abruptio placenta in singletons and multiples围生儿死亡率与单胎及多胎胎盘早剥有关

17.Poor hygiene led to high mortality among children.卫生条件很差,道致了儿童的死亡率很高。

18.The average life expectance of Chinese people, the death rate of infants and childbirth death rate has approached the world advanced levels.中国人民的平均寿命,婴儿死亡率和初生儿死亡率都已接近当今世界水平。


neo-natal mortality rate新生婴儿死亡率

3)Neonatal death新生儿死亡

1.Case-control study of the dangerous factors on neonatal death.;新生儿死亡危险因素的病例对照研究

4)Early neonatal death早期新生儿死亡

5)Neonatal death ratio新生儿死亡比

6)Perinatal morbidity围生儿死亡率

1.Objective To investigate and evaluate the causes of perinatal death in recent five years, aim at improving the quality of perinatal health care and reducing the perinatal morbidity.结果①本院1999年1月至12月围生儿总数为6600,共有40例围生儿死亡,围生儿死亡率为6。



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