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宫内节育器 IUD英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-17 21:02:52



1)IUD[英][,a? ju: "di:][美]["a? "ju "di]宫内节育器

1.Randomized Clinical Trials Of Transamin In Post-IUD Patients With Massive Bleeding;妥塞敏治疗宫内节育器置入后出血的随机对照临床研究

2.Case-control study onIUD use and endometrial cancer risk;宫内节育器与子宫内膜癌病例对照研究

3.Application of ultrasound and laparoscope in the management ofIUD dystopy;B超联合腹腔镜在宫内节育器异位诊治中的应用


1.cumulative continuation rate累积续用率(宫内节育器)


3.Systemic Evaluation of Medicated YGCu220 IUD元宫药铜220宫内节育器的系统评估

4.Experience in taking out intrauterine device when difficult in taking assisted by hysteroscope in 67 cases应用宫腔镜辅助取出困难宫内节育器67例体会

5.Application of hysteroscopy in removing IUD of 83 difficult cases.应用宫腔镜处理难取宫内节育器83例分析

6.Implanting of GyneFix intrauterine device in 158 patients with over-large uterine cavity子宫腔过大放置吉妮固定式宫内节育器158例

7.Hysteroscopy for dislodgment of abnormal intrauterine devices:with an analysis of 62 cases宫腔镜用于取出异常宫内节育器62例分析

8.Intrauterine Device Hetrotopia Pregnancynancy Reason Clnical Anlysis;宫内节育器异位妊娠原因的临床分析

9.Clinical Analysis of IUD Extraction in 5613 Cases宫内节育器取出5613例临床分析

10.Report on 36 Cases of Difficult Intrauterine Device Removal after Menopause取出绝经后难取宫内节育器36例报道

11.Systematic Review of the Comparison between MCu110 and TCu220C as well as TCu380AMCu110和TCu220C、TCu380A宫内节育器比较的系统评估

12.Clincal Research on the Clinical Effect of GongHuanZhiXue Decoction Therapy on the Uferine Bleeding after Inset IUD;宫环止血汤对置宫内节育器后所致子宫异常出血的临床研究

13.Effect Evaluation of Gongxuening Capsules to Treat Abnormal Uterine Bleeding Caused by Intrauterine Device宫血宁治疗宫内节育器致子宫异常出血的效果评价

14.The Development and Elemental Clinical Application of Intrauterine Device Placer宫内节育器放置器的研制及其初步临床应用

15.Investigation of contraception knowledge of women with intrauterine device放置宫内节育器妇女避孕知识现状的调查分析

16.Epidemiological investigation on the effects of intrauterine devices in 2814 textile women workers in Zhengzhou郑州市2814例纺织女工宫内节育器避孕效果调查

17.A serologic study on the women who hay, been PlacedIUD and suffered from mycoplasma infection.置宫内节育器妇女支原体感染的血清学研究

18.Rate of IUD failure was 65.09%.避孕失败的原因中有65.09%为宫内节育器失败;


Intrauterine device宫内节育器

1.The Application of Taking Misoprostol Tablet by Sublingual Administration in Inserting Intrauterine Device after Cesarean Section;舌下含服米索前列醇在剖宫产术后放置宫内节育器中的应用

2.Treatment of endometrium lesions by levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine device in breast cancer treated with Tamoxifen;释放左旋18甲基炔诺酮宫内节育器对三苯氧胺引起子宫内膜病变的治疗

3)Intrauterine devices宫内节育器

1.Use of hysteroscopy combined with B ultrasonics when difficult intrauterine devices removal;宫腔镜联合B超在宫内节育器取出困难时应用分析

2.It′s more appropriate for those who asked for long-term contraception to useIntrauterine devices.紧急避孕常用方法分为药物法和宫内节育器法。

3.The disintegration time limited of the dedicated capsules with different type of intrauterine devices is observed at the constant temperature in simulated uterine cavity liquid.目的本研究属于计划生育技术领域,其目的在于对现有普遍应用的管式宫内节育器放置器进行改进,创设一种对子宫屈度顺应性好、无锐性前端且可在放置宫内节育器的同时配合宫内用药的可降解的宫内节育器放置器具,以避免现行管式放置器具在结构上的弊端和不足,增进放置过程的安全性和便捷性,减少放置宫内节育器所引发的不良副作用和并发症;同时建立该放置器的放置方法。

4)intrauterine contraceptive device宫内节育器

1.Objective To investigate effectiveness of nilestriol combined with nefopam hydrochloride and lidocaine for removement ofintrauterine contraceptive device(IUD) in postmenopausal women.目的探讨尼尔雌醇配伍普尔丁、利多卡因在绝经后妇女取出宫内节育器(IUD)手术中的临床效果。

2.Objective:To evaluate the methods for diagnosis and treatment of ectopicintrauterine contraceptive devices(IUD).[目的]研究宫内节育器异位(ectopia of intrauterine contraceptive device,ectopia ofIUD)的临床表现、诊断及治疗。

5)intrauterine device(IUD)宫内节育器

1.Current status of placement of intrauterine device(IUD) among childless women of childbearing age;未生育育龄妇女放置宫内节育器现状的研究

6)TCu220C IUDTCu220C宫内节育器



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