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畸形愈合 Malunion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-12 07:50:02




1.Treatntent for the VarusMalunion and Nonunion of the Pilon Fracture;Pilon骨折内翻畸形愈合与不愈合的治疗

2.Treatment of malunion of vertical fracture of the patella;髌骨纵形骨折畸形愈合的治疗

3.Reconstruction of Calcaneal Morphous by Osteotomy forMalunion of Calcaneal Fracture;跟骨截骨形态重建治疗严重跟骨骨折畸形愈合


1.A Biomechanical Study of Distal Radius Fracture Malunion on Wrist Joint Mechanics;桡骨远端骨折畸形愈合后桡腕关节的生物力学研究

2.Ossification Mechanism of Bone Bridge Formation after Physis Injury and Prevention of Growth Arrest by Different Interpositions into Physeal Injury;骨骺损伤畸形愈合分子机制及预防方法的初步研究

3.Application of the limited contact dynamic compression plate for malunion and nonunion of the long bone shaft有限接触动力加压接骨板治疗长骨干骨不连和畸形愈合

4.It was the kind of disfigurement common in Sicily because of the lack of medical care.在西面里,因为医疗缺乏,所以畸形怪状的人比比皆是,小伤之所以下能愈合,就是因为付不起钱。

5.Results All cases of fracture healed without severe complication such as infection, limited flection orextensioin of elbow joint and cubitus varus.结果13例均获得临床一期愈合,无感染、肘关节屈伸受限和肘内翻畸形等严重并发症发生。

6.To heal or become healed by the formation of scar tissue.结疤愈合疤痕组织形成而使愈合或变得愈合

7.Study of Micro-screw"s Stability in Different Healing Time before Loading;不同愈合时间下正畸微种植体稳定性的研究

8.The final diagnosis was amelia of the lower limbs with transerse hemimelia of the upper limbs .最终诊断:下肢缺肢畸形合并上肢横断半肢畸形。

9.secondary epithelization vestibuloplasty二期愈合前庭成形术

10.The prevention and treatment of secondary dento-maxillofacial deformities with orthodontics and orthognathic surgery following the repair of cleft lip and palate正畸-正颌联合防治唇腭裂术后牙颌面畸形

11.Simultaneous Synthesis Operation of the Secondary Deformities of Cleft Li;单侧唇裂继发畸形的综合修复整形术

12.The Correlation between Malocclusion Severity and Treatment Expectancy of Adolescent Malocclusion Patients;错合畸形严重程度与青少年错合畸形患者治疗期望的相关性研究

13.Nephrotic Syndrome and Congenital Multi-Malformation Syndrome肾病综合征与先天性多发畸形综合征

14.Objective To observe the cicatrisation of hyperplastic gingiva cut caused by Nd:YAG laser.目的观察Nd :YAG激光切除正畸增生牙龈伤口愈合情况。

15.Clinical Study of Orthodontic Tooth Movement into Healed and Recent Extraction Sites;正畸牙在拔牙创不同愈合期移动特征的临床研究

16.The study also revealed that major malformation may occasionally complicate with other abnormalities such as complex multisystem abnormalities.中枢神经系统畸形及消化系统畸形常合并有羊水过多。

17.Study of Magnetic Resonance Venography in Diagnosing Vascular Malformation with Klippel-Trenaunay Syndrome;静脉畸形骨肥大综合征畸形血管的磁共振静脉造影研究

18.Down"s syndrome (mongolism)唐恩综合症(蒙古型畸形病)




4)Malunion after fracture of calcaneum跟骨骨折畸形愈合

5)complic malformation合并畸形

1.Retrospective study on thecomplic malformation of congenital intestinal malrotation;先天性肠旋转不良合并畸形回顾性分析

6)complex cardiac defect复合畸形

1.The study of safety and efficiency of interventional therapy forcomplex cardiac defect;介入治疗心脏复合畸形疗效及安全性研究



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