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药用蕨类 medicinal pteridophytes英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-23 04:45:11


药用蕨类,medicinal pteridophytes

1)medicinal pteridophytes药用蕨类

1.Bacteriostatic activities of extracts from 20medicinal pteridophytes;20种药用蕨类植物提取液抑菌试验研究


1.Research on the Medicinal Pteridophyte, Its Exploitation and Utilization;药用蕨类植物资源研究及其开发利用

2.A Study of Different Methods for DNA Extraction from Pteridophyte;四种药用蕨类DNA提取的比较研究

3.Analyses on the flora and studies on the function of medicinal pteridophytes in Jinggangshan nature reserve;井冈山自然保护区药用蕨类植物研究

4.Medicinal Fern Flora in DaFang Fokienia Hodginsii Nature Reserve and its Ecology;大方福建柏保护区药用蕨类植物种类及生态

5.Summary and suggestions of traditional medicinal pteridophytes used in Jinggangshan region;井冈山民间习用药用蕨类植物研究及展望

6.Investigation on the Medicinal Pteridophyte Resources in Niumulin Natural Reserve of Fujian;牛姆林自然保护区药用蕨类植物资源初步调查

7.Resources of Medicinal Pteridophyte in Yinna Mountain Nature Reservation,Guangdong;广东阴那山自然保护区药用蕨类植物研究

8.The Resource and Distribution of Medicinal Pteridophytein Qingyan Mountain of Fujian;福建清源山药用蕨类植物资源与分布研究

9.Resources of Medicinal Pteridophyta in Damu Mountain Nature Reserve Area大木山自然保护区药用蕨类植物资源研究

10.Resources of Medicinal Pteridophytes and Development in Lingnan Nature Reservation in Anhui;岭南自然保护区药用蕨类植物资源及其开发利用

11.Exploitation and Utilization of Medicinal Pteridophyte in Meihuashan Nature Reserve of Longyan City,Western Fujian Province闽西梅花山自然保护区药用蕨类植物资源及其开发利用

12.An Investigation into the Medicinal Pteridophytes Resource in Xiaozhaizigou National Nature Reserve;四川小寨子沟自然保护区药用蕨类植物资源调查

13.Study on the Important Medicinal Position and Function of Medicinal Fern Plants in Luo-Fu-Shan;罗浮山主要蕨类植物的药用部位和功用研究

14.Study on Tissue Culture of Four Wild Medicinal Ferns四种药用野生蕨类植物的组织培养研究

15.Ferns reproduce by spores.蕨类植物用孢子繁殖.

16.Ferns reproduce themselves by spores.蕨类植物用孢子繁殖。

17.Pharmacological Study on Active Fraction and Study on Chemical Constituents of Dryopteris Fragrans (L.) Schott;香鳞毛蕨治疗类风湿性关节炎有效部位的药理作用和化学成分的研究

18.any of several ferns of the genus Blechnum.乌毛蕨属的蕨类植物。


medicinal pteridophyte药用蕨类植物

1.Investigation ofmedicinal pteridophyte resources in Quanzhou, Fujian Province;福建泉州药用蕨类植物资源调查研究

2.Resources and distribution ofmedicinal pteridophyte in Qingyuan Mountain, Fujian;福建清源山药用蕨类植物资源与分布

3.Study on Flora of Medicinal Pteridophyte in Hebei Province河北省药用蕨类植物区系研究

3)Medicinal fern药用蕨类植物

1.Medicinal Fern Flora in DaFang Fokienia Hodginsii Nature Reserve and its Ecology;大方福建柏保护区药用蕨类植物种类及生态

2.There are about 38 families,148 species of wild medicinal ferns there,which respectively account for ninety-seven and eighty percent of the sum total of these resources families and species in the whole country.其野生药用蕨类植物有38科148种,占全国该类植物资源总科数的97%、总种数的80%左右。

4)medicinal pteridophytes药用蕨类植物

1.The resources ofmedicinal pteridophytes were very rich in Lingnan Nature Reservation.岭南自然保护区药用蕨类植物资源十分丰富,共有32科48属79种,论述了药用蕨类植物的生境、药用部位、采收状况,并结合当地的实际情况,提出了保护和开发利用建议。

2.This paper introduces the floral feature and geographical distribution of themedicinal pteridophytes in Wuyishan Nature Reserve in Jiangxi Province.介绍了江西武夷山自然保护区药用蕨类植物的区系特征及地理分布 ,其资源丰富 ,共有 40科 75属 15 0种 ,并对该地区药用蕨类植物资源开发利用进行了讨论。

3.The investigation and study on themedicinal pteridophytes in Jinggangshan Nature Reserve indicates that there are37families,63gentra and134species(including varieties and forms ),walking up68.对井冈山自然保护区药用蕨类植物调查研究表明,井冈山共有药用蕨类植物134种(包括变种和变型),隶属于37科63属,占江西药用蕨类植物种数的68。

5)medicinal Pteridophytes蕨类药用植物

1.This is the second report on the study of the Guizhoumedicinal Pteridophytes.本文为贵州蕨类药用植物资源研究的第二报。

2.It is confirmed that species of themedicinal Pteridophytes of Guizhou and their geographic distribution by investigation.通过调查研究,基本搞清了贵州蕨类药用植物的种类与地理分布。

6)Wild ferns medicinal野生药用蕨类植物



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