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兴趣小组 interest group英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-23 07:02:49


兴趣小组,interest group

1)interest group兴趣小组

1.It is important to study the kinds, the way of activity, the anticipated aim, the measuring standard and management of theinterest group.兴趣小组是开放教育环境下素质教育的有效形式。

2.The third chapter introduce the process of mathematical modelinginterest group activities.第三章介绍开展数学建模兴趣小组活动的过程,将活动分为三种具体形式进行:专题教学、论文研读、撰写论文,并对三种活动形式的目的、实施细则和实践总结作了详细论述。


1.Setting up the Interest Group of Research and Cultivating the Students Innovation Ability;成立科研兴趣小组 培养学生创新能力

2.The Efficiency of Chinese Study Can be Improved Organization of Interests Group;加强兴趣小组建设 提高语文学习效益

3.Discussion on Tutorial System for Study Interesting Groups of Universities and Colleges高校推行“学习兴趣小组导师制”的探讨

4.Your involvement in interest groups may bring you popularity.摩羯座:参加兴趣小组可能给自己带来声望。

5.Interest Group is an Effective Form of Quality Education in the Environment of Open Education;兴趣小组:开放教育环境下素质教育的有效形式

6.In the past years, the Unit had organized daily interest programs and festival functions for the in-patients of Nam Long Hospital.过往小组为南朗医院的病人举办日常兴趣小组和节庆活动。

7.The excellent music teacher Guan Chuangkai from Shantou Experimental School is teaching the recorder.(三)汕头市实验学校优秀音乐教师关创开在辅导竖笛兴趣小组活动。

8.Intranet special interest groups and chat rooms.在图书馆内部网页上建立特别兴趣小组和聊天室。

9.Practice Research on Senior School Students Application Capability Training in Mathematics Through Establishing the Mathematical Modeling Interest Group;利用“数学建模兴趣小组”培养学生数学应用能力的实践研究

10.The Influence of Group Cooperative Learning on the Students of Middle School Physical Education Learning Interest;小组合作学习对中学生体育学习兴趣的影响

11.discussion of a subject of public interest by a group of persons forming a panel usually before an audience.通常在听众面前由一个专题小组讨论一个公众感兴趣的主题,。

12.To be honest, that singing group has no attraction for me.老实说,那个演唱组我一点也不感兴趣。

13.A P2P Hybrid Network Topology Model Based Interest Grouping;基于兴趣分组的混合P2P拓扑模型

14.Development of Vocational Interest Card Sort职业兴趣组合卡的编制及信效度检验

15.P2P network topology model based on interest grouping基于兴趣分组的P2P网络拓扑模型

16.Crystal growth technique of some optical materials is also being studied hoping to manufacture useful tunable solid state lasers.本小组亦有兴趣于某些光学材料之晶体成长技术,以期能制成有用之固态可调雷射。

17.We are very much interested in your hardware.我们对你们的小五金很感兴趣。

18.The success of the novel has magnified public interest tremendously.小说的成功极大地激发了公众的兴趣。


Interest Teams activities兴趣小组活动

1.Interest Teams activities, conducted by students with similar interests under the guidance of teachers, actually are one of elective programs in school.兴趣小组活动是指在课堂教学以外的时间,对有相同兴趣和爱好的学生结成的小组实施有指导的活动,本质上是学校选修课的一种形式。

3)Study Interesting Groups学习兴趣小组

1.Discussion on Tutorial System forStudy Interesting Groups of Universities and Colleges高校推行“学习兴趣小组导师制”的探讨

4)interest group兴趣组

1.IGSS:unstructured P2P network model based oninterest group.;IGSS:一种基于兴趣组的非结构P2P网络模型

5)Interest Group兴趣群组

1.P2P trust model based on interest group基于兴趣群组的P2P信任模型

2.Facing with the current trust model contradiction of scale and computation, with the idea of human society establishment, a P2P trust model based on interest group is proposed.针对当前信任模型的扩展规模和计算开销的矛盾,借鉴人类社会信任建立的思想,提出一种基于兴趣群组的P2P信任模型。

6)Interest Grouping兴趣分组

1.P2P network topology model based on interest grouping基于兴趣分组的P2P网络拓扑模型

2.We presented a new P2P network model named NIP2P(Neighboring Node andInterest Grouping P2P) which based on the Gnutella protocol and decentralized unstructured topology in this paper.NIP2P是将兴趣分组和物理位置相结合的P2P模型。


共同兴趣受众在接受新闻内容时, 引起关注的共同心理状态。衡量新闻价值的要素之一。19世纪30年代,美国大众化报纸要求记者报道能引起社会大众共同感兴趣的事件,以提高新闻的阅读率,扩大报纸的发行量。西方新闻界由此提出了共同兴趣这个概念。受众受阶级地位、政治观点的制约和年龄、职业、文化教养、经历、经验、爱好的影响,有不同兴趣。但作为社会的成员,也有共同兴趣,如对重大政治事件、重大发明创造、重大体育比赛以及突发性社会新闻等的报道,都能引起广大受众的共同关注。新闻内容受到关心的人数越多,关心的程度越大,就越能广泛传播,其新闻价值就越高。在社会主义中国,人们有共同的利益,共同的理想和追求,因此,对客观事物的关注,有很多共同点。但是,不同层次的受众对各种客观事物的关注程度和兴趣也不尽相同。新闻工作者一方面要寻找受众关注和感兴趣的共同点,采写受众有共同兴趣的新闻;另一方面,还要满足不同层次受众的特殊需求。新闻机构运用科学的方法进行受众调查,了解受众的共同兴趣和不同要求,是改进新闻报道的一种方法。

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