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肱骨髁间 humeral intercondy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-27 16:40:28


肱骨髁间,humeral intercondy

1)humeral intercondy肱骨髁间

1.Surgical treatment for adult comminutedhumeral intercondylar fractures which companied with ulnar nerve injury;成人肱骨髁间粉碎性骨折伴尺神经损伤手术治疗


1.Treatment of Comminuted Supracondylar or Intercondylar Humerus Fractures with Different Internal Fixation Methods;不同手术方式治疗肱骨髁间髁上粉碎性骨折

2.11 cases of humeral intercondylar comminuted fractures treated with anatomical plate肱骨外髁解剖钢板治疗肱骨髁间粉碎性骨折11例

3.Treatment of Humeral Intercondylar Fracture with posterior Triceps-Anconeus Flap approach肱三头肌-肘肌瓣入路治疗肱骨髁间骨折

4.Curative Effect of Proper Price on Surgical Treatment for Supracondylar Fracture of Humerus in 115 Cases手术治疗肱骨髁间骨折115例疗效评价

5.Internal fixation for the treatment of humeral supracondyar fractures of type C成人C型肱骨髁间骨折的内固定治疗

6.Approach of osteotomy of olecranon for the treatment of intercondylar fracture of humerus经尺骨鹰嘴截骨入路治疗肱骨髁间骨折

7.The olecranon osteotomy treatment of comminuted humeral condylar fracture经尺骨鹰嘴截骨入路治疗肱骨髁间粉碎性骨折

8.Modified olecranon osteotomy plus reconstructed titanium plate fixation in the treatment of humeral intercondylar fracture改良鹰嘴截骨重建钛板治疗肱骨髁间骨折

9.Dual steel plate for the surgical management of intercondylar fractures of the humerus through approach of osteotomy of olecranon鹰嘴截骨入路双钢板固定治疗肱骨髁间骨折

10.Surgical Treatment for Intra-articular Fractures of the Distal Humerus--Cases Analysis Report;肱骨髁间骨折的手术治疗——病例分析报告

11.Operative treatment of humeral intercondylar fractures in older patients by using bilateral plates fixation内外侧双钢板固定治疗老年肱骨髁间骨折

12.Treatment of Humeral Condylar Fracture for the Elderly by the Triceps into the Way Pairs of Tongue-shaped Flap Plate经肱三头肌舌形瓣入路双钢板治疗老年肱骨髁间骨折

13.Clinical Effect Observation of Humeral Condylar Fractures Treated through Olecranon Osteotomy Approach经尺骨鹰嘴截骨入路治疗肱骨髁间骨折的临床疗效观察

14.Treatment of severely comminuted fractures of humeral intercondylar through approach of osteotomy olecranon with double-plate internal fixation经尺骨鹰嘴截骨双钢板内固定治疗肱骨髁间严重粉碎性骨折

15.Dual steel plate fixation through transolecranon approach in treatment of intercondylar fracture of humerus经尺骨鹰嘴截骨入路双钢板固定治疗肱骨髁间骨折疗效观察

parison of clinical effect of liguliform flap of musculus triceps brachii approach and olecranon osteotomy approach in treatment of intercondylar humeral fractures肱三头肌舌状瓣和尺骨鹰嘴截骨入路治疗肱骨髁间骨折的疗效比较

17.Biomechanical Comparison of Internal Fixation Methods in Intercondylar Fracture of Humerus and Three-dimensional Finite Element Analysis;肱骨髁间骨折内固定方法的生物力学比较及三维有限元分析

pare Effects of the Methods Used to Treat Complicate Intercondylar Fractures of Humeru;复杂肱骨髁间骨折几种固定方法的疗效对比分析


humeral intercondylar fracture肱骨髁间骨折

1.AO double plates in internal fixation ofhumeral intercondylar fractures;AO双钢板内固定治疗肱骨髁间骨折

2.ObjectiveTo explore the causes for dysfunctions in elbow flexion and extension after internal fixation forhumeral intercondylar fractures.目的探讨肱骨髁间骨折术后肘关节功能受限的原因。

3)intercondylar fracture of humerus肱骨髁间骨折

1.Closed reduction and trans-cuteneous screw and Kirschner s wire fixation to treatintercondylar fracture of humerus;闭合复位经皮内固定治疗肱骨髁间骨折

2.Biomechanical comparison of three internal fixation methods forintercondylar fracture of humerus;肱骨髁间骨折3种内固定的生物力学比较

3.Objective To explore the surgical treatment and its results ofintercondylar fracture of humerus through approach of osteotomy of ulnar olecranon.方法采用经尺骨鹰嘴截骨入路内固定治疗肱骨髁间骨折38例,对手术入路、术后肘关节功能及并发症等进行分析。

4)humeral intercondylar fractures肱骨髁间骨折

1.Methods 28 cases with comminutedhumeral intercondylar fractures were treated with dual reconstruction plates and early postoperative exercises.目的探讨双重建钢板治疗粉碎性肱骨髁间骨折的疗效。

2.Method:From Oct 2001 to Oct , we has treated 39 patients of complicatehumeral intercondylar fractures .目的:比较不同内固定方法治疗复杂的肱骨髁间骨折的临床疗效。

5)lateral condyle of the humerus肱骨外髁

1.A study on the effect of the epiphyseal separation of thelateral condyle of the humerus in children by the general rehabilitation;儿童肱骨外髁骨折综合康复的疗效探讨

6)Humeral supracondylar肱骨髁


肱骨髁上骨折肱骨髁上骨折supracondylar fracture of humerus指肱骨远端内外髁上方的骨折。由间接暴力所致,小儿多见,分伸直型和屈曲型。可并发肱动脉和正中神经损伤。X线检查可明确骨折类型和移位情况。治疗采用手法复位外固定。骨折时间久、肿胀严重者可采用尺骨鹰嘴骨牵引。手术治疗适用于并发血管神经损伤或手法复位失败者。处理不当容易引起Volkman缺血性挛缩或肘内翻畸形,治疗时应予注意。

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