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回肠肿瘤 Ileum tumor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-29 07:43:34


回肠肿瘤,Ileum tumor

1)Ileum tumor回肠肿瘤


1.At laparotomy, ileoileocolic intussusception led by an ileal polyp was found.剖腹探杳发现长段回肠-回肠-结肠型肠套叠,且肠套叠内层中有回肠肿瘤。

2.Investigation of inserting implantable drug delivery system for hepatoma through ileum-portal vein经回肠-门静脉置入IDDS术治疗肝肿瘤的临床研究

3.Considerations about Application of Laparoscopy in Colorectal Cancer Surgery腹腔镜在结直肠肿瘤手术中应用的回顾与思考

4.Colorectal cancer: Malignant tumour of the large intestine (colon) or rectum.结肠直肠癌:结肠或直肠的恶性肿瘤。

5.Characteristics of APC gene mutations in colorectal tumors大肠肿瘤结肠腺瘤病基因突变的特征

6.Abdominal sonography demonstrated a long segment intussusception associated with a low echo genic mass.腹部超音波检查展示一长段肠套叠,并合并有一低回音性肿瘤。

7.Ischesis Effect of Antitumor Drug to the Mucus Secretion of Dissociative Ileum Ansa Interstinalis in Vivo;抗肿瘤药物对在体游离回肠袢黏液分泌抑制的实验研究

8.Diagnosis of Rectal Tumors with Endorectal Ultrasonography直肠腔内超声对直肠肿瘤的诊断价值

9.Analysis of 23 gastrointestinal tuberculosis misdiagnosed as gastrointestinal tumor胃肠结核误诊为胃肠道肿瘤23例分析

10.1 case was misdiagnosed intussusception, 2 cases were misdiagnosed ov arian tumor and 1 case was misdiagnosed pelvic tumor preoperatively.误诊为肠套叠1例,卵巢肿瘤2例,盆腔肿瘤1例;

11.Tumor type M2 pyruvate kinase-the new tumor marker in colorectal cancer结直肠恶性肿瘤的新标志物—肿瘤型丙酮酸激酶

12.Cancer of colonic cancer colon is the common malignant tumor in gastric bowel path.结肠癌结肠癌是胃肠道中常见的恶性肿瘤。

13.An upper gastrointestinal endoscopic examination revealed a polypoid mass moving to and fro between the stomach and the duodenum.在上消化道内视镜检查的时候,我们发现一个肿瘤在胃和十二指肠之间来回移动。

14.Intestinal lipomas are usually single with mild clinical manifestation and are well recognized within the gastrointestinal tract.肠道脂肪瘤好发于回盲瓣和升结肠。

15.Nursing Care of the Patients with Gastrointestinal Tumor Removed with YAG Diamond Laser ScalpelYAG激光宝石刀切除胃肠肿瘤的护理

16.a small tumor (benign or malignant) arising from the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract; usually associated with excessive secretion of serotonin.生长在肠胃道中的小肿瘤。

17.She will have to be operated on for her tumours [duodenal ulcer].她的肿瘤[十二指肠溃疡]得开刀。

18.Expression and Significance of KLF4 Proteins in Colorectal Cancer;KLF4在人结直肠肿瘤中的表达及意义


primary jejunum and ileum tumor空回肠肿瘤

3)Gastrointestinal Neoplasms胃肠肿瘤

1.Observation of clinical curative effect of Liandai capsule for gastrointestinal neoplasms and study on its molecular mechanisms;连黛胶囊治疗胃肠肿瘤临床疗效观察与分子机理研究

2.Methods Gastrointestinal neoplasms in 32 cases were analysed using routine color Doppor ultrasound imaging and CEUS, which were confirmed to be malignant or benign through operation/CT/X-rays and endoscope.目的探讨超声造影在胃肠肿瘤良恶性鉴别诊断中的应用价值。

4)colon neoplasms结肠肿瘤

5)rectal neoplasms直肠肿瘤

6)Colonic neoplasms结肠肿瘤


回肠远端憩室回肠远端憩室Meckel diverticulum即“梅克尔憩室”。约在2%的个体,回肠末段距回盲瓣0.3~1.0m范围内,可见肠壁对系膜缘处存在一囊状突出部,它是胚胎时期卵黄囊管未完全消失而形成的,称梅克尔憩室。发炎时可产生类似阑尾炎的症状。有时它以索状结构连于脐,可成为肠扭转乃至绞窄的原因。

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