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肢体痉挛 Limb Spasm英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-07 14:58:23


肢体痉挛,Limb Spasm

1)Limb Spasm肢体痉挛

1.Limb Spasm is a core problem on the treatment of spasmous hemiplegia due to stroke.目的:总结近年来针灸治疗脑卒中偏瘫肢体痉挛的现状和发展,归纳针灸治疗对脑卒中偏瘫肢体痉挛的选穴规律、治疗效果,为提高针灸临床疗效,缓解痉挛提供相关依据。


1.Effect of Musculature Puncture on the Degree of the Spasticity of Limbs of Stroke Patients;经筋刺法对中风偏瘫肢体痉挛状态的影响

2.Observation on the effect of hot compression with TCM drugs on treating limb spasm after stroke中药湿热敷治疗脑卒中后肢体痉挛的疗效观察

3.Clinical Research on Effect of Treating the Limb Spasticity Caused by Cerebral Apoplexy Using "Nourishing the Liver to Stop the Spasticity" Combined the Facilitation Technique益肝止痉法结合易化技术治疗脑卒中后肢体痉挛的临床研究

4.Clinical Research of Yigan Zhijing Acupuncture Therapy on Spastic Limbs after Stroke益肝止痉针刺法治疗中风后肢体痉挛的临床研究

5.Clinical Observation on Needling Antagonist & Moxing Spasmus Muscularis Combined with Rehabilitation Treatment of Mumbra Spasticity for Post-stroke Patients;针刺拮抗肌、艾灸痉挛肌配合康复训练治疗中风后肢体痉挛临床观察

6.Clinical Observation on the Effects of Spastic Paralysis after Apoplexy with Electric Acupuncture Combined with Rehabilitation Training;电针配合康复训练治疗脑梗死偏瘫肢体痉挛状态的临床观察

7.Clinical Observation on the Effects of Spastic Paralysis after Stroke with Cluster Needing of Scalp Point Combined with Rehabilitation Technique;针康法治疗脑卒中偏瘫肢体痉挛状态的临床观察

8.Randomized Controlled Clinical Study on Post-stroke Patients with Limb Spasticity with Yangyin Shujin Tongluo Treatment养阴舒筋通络法治疗中风后肢体痉挛随机对照临床研究

9.The Clinical Observation of Bobath Technology Compound Electric Acupuncture Needle for Reliveing Spasm Caused by Cerebral InfarctionBobath技术复合电针拮抗肌缓解脑梗塞偏瘫肢体痉挛的临床疗效观察

10.Effect of Acupuncture for Neurological Functional Deficit in the Spasticity Paitients after Stroke针刺对脑卒中后偏瘫肢体痉挛患者神经功能缺损的影响

11.The child in a spasm kept twitching his arms and legs.那个害痉挛的孩子四肢不断地抽搐。

12.convulsive motions; his body made a spasmodic jerk; spastic movements.骤发的动作;他的身体痉挛的抽动;痉挛的动作。

13.Clinical Observation on Electro-Acupuncture at Jiaji for the Treatment of upper Extremity Spasticity for Stroke Patients电针夹脊穴治疗中风上肢痉挛状态临床研究

14.Selective peripheral denervation for treatment of lower limbs spasm of cerebral palsy周围神经选择性切断治疗脑瘫性下肢痉挛

15.Research on anti-spastic limb position in the nursing care of patients with cerebral infarction at acute stage脑梗死急性期偏瘫患者抗痉挛肢位护理研究

16.Research on the Rehabilitation of Stroke-stricken Spastic upper Extremities by Spasmus-relieving Therapies and Comprehensive Treatments;解痉系列方并综合疗法对中风后上肢痉挛康复的研究

17.relieving gas in the alimentary tract (colic or flatulence or griping).排出消化道的气体(疝气、气胀或者痉挛)。

18.any of several degenerative nervous disorders characterized by spasmodic movements of the body and limbs.严重退化性神经混乱身体痉挛。


Spastic limb痉挛肢体

3)The spasticity of paralysis limbs肢体痉挛状态

4)spasticity on lower limbs下肢痉挛

1.Objective To compare the effect on different frequency of electro-acupuncture therapy in stroke cases withspasticity on lower limbs.目的比较不同频率电针治疗脑卒中下肢痉挛患者的效应,为针灸处方提供依据。

5)upper limb spasticity上肢痉挛

1.Objective To observe the clinical efficacy of Hui and Guan acupuncture techniques in the treatment ofupper limb spasticity after stroke.目的观察恢刺和关刺法治疗中风后上肢痉挛性瘫痪的临床疗效。

6)the spasticity of paralysis limbs/stroke肢体痉挛状态/脑卒中


伴有短肢体侏儒的免疫缺陷病伴有短肢体侏儒的免疫缺陷病immunodeficiency with short?limbed dwarfism伴有因软骨发育障碍所致身材矮小的免疫功能低下疾病。常染色体隐性遗传。根据免疫缺陷的不同分为三型:Ⅰ型,细胞及体液免疫均有缺陷;Ⅱ型,细胞免疫缺陷而体液免疫正常;Ⅲ型,体液免疫缺陷而细胞免疫正常。表现为出生后即四肢短,手足肥大,颈部及关节周围皮肤皱褶多,四肢关节松弛,毛发稀少。实验室检查根据不同类型而表现不同的免疫学特征。X线检查长骨骨骺端呈扇形改变及不规则的硬化,有时可见有囊性透光区。治疗:Ⅰ型须尽早进行骨髓移植;Ⅱ型给予转移因子、胸腺素或胎儿胸腺移植;Ⅲ型定期给予丙种球蛋白。

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