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影像 image英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-12 12:17:59




1.Present Situation and Countermeasure to Images Teaching Mode in Our Country;我国医学影像技术学教育模式的现状及对策

2.Study on CT Image of Femoral Head Necrosis Treated with Depression of Medular Drilling and Allograft;髓芯钻孔减压异体骨移植治疗股骨头缺血性坏死的CT影像研究

3.Image analysis in autoimmune liver diseases;影像检查在自身免疫性肝病中的应用


1.image amplifier图像放大器,影像增强器

2.An image so projected.影像这样投射出的图像

3.high speed multiple motion-picture camera高速多影像电影摄影机

4.non-video (amusement) game非影像(娱乐)游戏

5.video mail[港]数码影像传真

6.Basic sharp image基本清晰影像(摄影)

7.the projection of images on a screen影像在屏幕上的投影

8.Analyzing Image-creation Activities of Humankind by the Metaimage Theory;运用“元影像”解析人类的影像创造活动

9.The Research of Deconsturcting Image Digital Technique" Effect on Image Symbols Delivery影像数字解构技术对影像符号传达的影响研究

10.Results Bone image removes soft tissue image, compared to general image,scapula radiography shows more clear.骨骼像比常规影像减少了软组织影,肩胛骨影像更清晰。

11.The image through the camera began to fade into view.照像机中的影像开始逐渐出现。

12.MSV mirror image镜像,指反光镜片产生的影像

13.The Study on Pixel-Level Data Fusion for Remote Sensing Images of Medium and High Resolution;像素级中高分辨率遥感影像融合研究

14."I Live on Virtual Image":An Imagery Interpretation of the Media Environment;“我靠虚像生活”——媒介环境的影像阐释

15.Research on Image Geometrical Models of IKONOS Stereo ImagesIKONOS立体影像成像几何模型研究

16.The Preprocessing Research of Improving the Document Image Quality提高影像文档图像质量的预处理研究

17.Unmixing of Remote Sensing Images Based on Support Vector Machines and Pairwise Coupling基于SVM和PWC的遥感影像混合像元分解

18.The art or practice of making portraits.肖像绘制法,人像摄影法



1.Imaging Diagnosis of Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis;肺蛋白沉积症的影像学诊断

2.Imaging features of primary malignant lymphomas of the brain;脑内原发性恶性淋巴瘤的影像学表现


1.Doctors always hope they could get the digitalized medicalvideo data in their practice,but currently this kind ofvideo system is too expensive to be afforded by most hospitals in our country.医学影像的数字化一直是临床医师所期望的 ,但是目前国际上成套医学数字化影像系统价格昂贵 ,不能为大多数医院接受。

2.Then we propose avideobased knowledge representation model for joint objects which includes: graphics object knowledge representation, action knowledge representation andvideoflow knowledge representation, next we give the description of the system′s UI frame based on the model proposed before.首先对基于知识的动画技术进行了概述,然后就目前计算机动画技术中存在的问题,针对关节体提出了一个基于影像的知识表达模型,分别从图形对象的知识表达、运动知识表达和影像流知识表达等三个方面进行了描述,并给出了基于该模型设计的动画系统的用户界面的框架,最后给出了结论。

3.Multi-space-time (MST) design is built on the concept of single space-time in traditionalvideo arts (include animation).即把多个时空的影像整合到动画影片的同一个影像或同一组影像中的技巧,多重时空技巧使用的基本方法是把不同时空内容用艺术的手段组合起来,与影视作品中常用的表现手法-蒙太奇相关却又有区别,它不是基于时间维度上的组合,而是将多个时空的影像合理的组合在同一影像或同一组影像中,最常见的方式就是将影像划分为两个区域或多个区域,每个区域交代一个时空。


1.The Network system of hospital radioactivity department s administer and the handling offilm digit(kayboard etymology twifold operation);医院放射科信息管理与影像数字处理网络系统

bining with character of TV andfilm, connectingfilm with literature, this paper discusses literature nature of TV prose from sound, picture, lyric and conception.结合电视和电影的特点,将影像和文学联系起来,从声画、构思、抒情方面论述了电视散文的文学特性。

3.When thefilm is used to record the cultural heritage in minority nationality regions, it is assumed that the true image of the region that has been visited is ruined.影像介入到少数民族社区中,为留存下珍贵文化遗产而实行记录,但实际上多数情况下影像却破坏了受访区域,影像阉割了地域。


1.A review on realistic building 3D reconstruction using LiDAR andimageryLiDAR与影像集成的真实感建筑物三维重建研究进展

6)subtraction image减影影像



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