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穴位处方 acupoint group英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-19 14:56:19


穴位处方,acupoint group

1)acupoint group穴位处方

1.Effect of electroacupuncture with differentacupoint group on IL-1β,TNF-α and IL-6 in the hypothalamus of insomnia rats;不同穴位处方电针对失眠大鼠下丘脑IL-1β、TNF-α及IL-6的影响

2.Effect of grain-sized Moxibustion with differentacupoint group on monoamine neurotransmitters in the hypothalamus of insomnia rats不同穴位处方麦粒灸对失眠大鼠下丘脑单胺类神经递质的影响


1.Study on Hypnogenic Effect and the Mechanism of Electroacpuncture in Different Acupoints Groups;不同穴位处方电针的催眠作用及其机理研究

2.Study on the Hypnogenic Effect and Mechanism of Moxibustion in Different Acu-point Groups;不同穴位处方艾灸催眠作用及其机理的研究

3.A Research on Miraculous Pivot s Outer Malleolus Acupuncture Formula in the Treatment of Primordial Qi Deficiency of the Triple Energizer;《灵枢》足外踝周围穴位处方对三焦元气补益作用的研究

4.Effect of grain-sized Moxibustion with different acupoint group on monoamine neurotransmitters in the hypothalamus of insomnia rats不同穴位处方麦粒灸对失眠大鼠下丘脑单胺类神经递质的影响

5.These crystal lattices may have imperfections, such as dislocations and vacancies.这些晶格可能有不完善之处,例如位错和空穴。

6.Area statistical method of void contents for wood-based panel based on image processing technique基于图像处理的人造板孔穴含量统计的新方法

7.Cupping is the method of applying a cup in which a partial vacuum is created over an acupoint for therapeutic purpose.拔罐法是指使罐紧吸于穴位上进行治疗的方法。

8.The enormous eagle carried me to its nest in the mountains above the valley.这只巨鹰把我带到它位于山谷上方山区的巢穴。

9.Research on the Theories and Methods of Point-application in "Li Yue Pian Wen"从《理瀹骈文》探讨穴位敷贴的理论与方法

10.Clinical Study on Compound Angelica Parenteral Solution Acupoint Injection to Pain Relief during Labor复方当归穴位注射减轻分娩疼痛的临床研究

11.Uni-acupoint transcutaneous electrical stimulations to counteract mental fatigue单穴位经皮电刺激对抗脑力疲劳的方法

12.The difference between taking middle finger as an identical unit and bone-length measurement in acupoint localization腧穴定位方法中指寸法与骨度分寸法的差异

pound anisodine hydrobromide injection in the treatment of acquired paralytic strabismus复方樟柳碱穴位注射治疗后天性麻痹性斜视

14.Study on needling depth and direction from different acupoints to sphenopalatine ganglion不同穴位针刺蝶腭神经节深度及方向的研究

15.There are two places, or points, on each side of the body where pressure is most often useful.身体两侧各有两处穴位,在这里施压通常最为有效。

16.Review and Prospect of Studies on Optimizing a Classic Acupuncture Formula for Promoting Labor传统针刺助产处方(合谷-三阴交穴)优化研究的回顾与展望

17.So is there any good method to find the correct position of a point?那么有没有什么好的方法使我们找到正确的穴位?

18.The Effect on the Rabbits?Body Temperature By Pushing Down or Up Ji (spine);不同方向推脊对家兔体温的影响——论推拿补泻与穴位功效的关系


different acu-point groups不同穴位处方

1.To compare the effect of monoamine neurotransmitters and cytokines by moxibustion in insomnia rats hypothalamus atdifferent acu-point groups.观察不同穴位处方艾灸对大鼠戊巴比妥钠致眠时间的影响。

3)choice of acupuncture points and prescription选穴处方

4)Principle and regulation of acupoint compatibility配穴处方

5)the basic principles for composition and prescription of the points处方取穴原则

6)point fitted rule穴位组方规律


穴位穴位 穴位 腧穴。见该条①。

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