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胸外伤 thoracic trauma英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-18 17:17:52


胸外伤,thoracic trauma

1)thoracic trauma胸外伤

1.Analyses on treatment experience ofthoracic trauma resulted in shock;胸外伤致休克68例临床分析

2.Mechanical ventilation treatment on acute respiratory distress syndrome in severethoracic trauma;胸外伤后ARDS的呼吸治疗

3.Diagnosis and treatment of delayed hemopneumothorax induced bythoracic trauma in 42 cases;胸外伤致迟发性血气胸42例诊治分析


1.Research on the Personality Characteristic and Coping Modes of Patients with Traumatic;胸外伤患者个性特征及应对方式研究

2.Nursing Summary of 112 Patients with Grievous Thoracic Trauma112例重度急性胸外伤的临床护理总结

3.Objective To probe into the pathogenesis of atelectasis after chest trauma.目的对胸外伤后肺不张发生的原因进行探讨。

4.ARDS complicated by severe thoracic injury in 30 cases重症胸外伤致急性呼吸窘迫综合征30例

5.The application of body surface marking in vibration expectoration for patients with chest trauma体表标识法在胸外伤患者振动排痰中的作用

6.The Profile of Chest Injuries Arising from the Wenchuan Earthquake and its Care in District Central Hospital地震所致成批胸外伤特点与急救护理措施

parison between traditional thoracotomy and vdeo-assisted thoracoscopy for traumatic hemothorax电视胸腔镜手术与传统外科开胸术治疗外伤后血胸的对比研究

8.Value of 64-slice CT in Diagnosis of Chest Trauma64排螺旋CT对胸部外伤的诊断价值

9.Evaluation of Clinical Effects on Severe Chest Trauma Complicating ARDS严重胸部外伤并发ARDS的临床疗效评价

10.Update of researches on acute lung injury in thoracic surgical procedures胸外科手术致急性肺损伤的研究进展

11.Nursing Care for Patients with Closed Tracheal Laceration Induced by Chest Trauma胸部外伤致闭合性气管断裂伤患者的护理

12.Role of video-assisted thoracoscopy in management of retained posttraumatic hemothorax in 26 cases外伤后积留血胸患者经胸腔镜手术26例临床分析

bined Treatment of Mechanical Ventilation and External Fixation of Chest Wall for Frail Chest Complicated by Pulmonary Contusion机械通气加胸壁外固定在连枷胸合并肺挫伤治疗中的作用

14.Conclusion The patients with injury in chest, back and abdomen should be carefully examined and observed.结论对胸背,腹部外伤病人应仔细检查,严密观察。

15.Persistent Vegetative State Caused by Non-brain Damage and Its Forensic Assessment;胸背部外伤致持续性植物状态案例分析

16.Surface Mark Used for Vibration Expectoration in Patients with Chest Trauma体表标识法在胸部外伤患者振动排痰中的应用

17.The Value of DDR Traumatic Chest Diseases in the DiagnosisDDR在胸部外伤性疾病诊断中的应用价值

18.Treatment of traumatic intervertebrae disk herniation in cervical thoracic junction through transforminal approach经椎间孔入路治疗颈胸段外伤性椎间盘突出症


Chest trauma胸外伤

1.Objective To investigate the effective methods for treatment of severe chest trauma with multiple organ injury.目的研究合并重度胸外伤的严重性多发伤的早期有效救治方法与注意问题。

2.Objective To discuss the advantage and feasibility of primary operative treatment of multi trauma with severe chest trauma.目的探讨一期手术治疗重度胸外伤合并多发伤的可行性及优越性。

3)Thoracic injury胸外伤

1.The objective was to summarize the experience in the diagnosis and treatment of 85 cases of thoracic injury combined with head injury in order to improve the standard of diagnosis and treatment.为提高胸外伤合并颅脑外伤的早期诊断和治疗水平 ,回顾性分析 85例胸外伤合并颅脑外伤患者的诊治资料。

4)chest injury胸外伤

1.Study of treatment effect of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) caused bychest injury;严重胸外伤合并ARDS的治疗

2.Conclusion: Hemothorax and rib tracture were the most common types ofchest injury.12"汶川大地震所致成批胸外伤患者的特点及护理措施,为灾难性胸外伤护理方法提供有益的经验与措施。

5)Thorax injury胸外伤

1.Conclusion:Thorax injury is usually .结论:创伤所致胸外伤病情危急,具体分析致伤原因及根据临床体征检查,迅速作出诊断和快速救治是关键,合并颅脑损伤、腹部脏器损伤、急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)是其主要死亡原因。

2.Result:Thorax injury is the lung injury hemothorax and pneumothorax multiple rib fracture.目的 :探讨胸外伤的临床特点 ,以提高诊治水平。

6)chest trauma胸部外伤

1.Application of emergency care simulator inchest trauma rescue skills training;应用ECS综合模拟人进行胸部外伤急救教学初探

2.Clinical application of DR energy subtraction inchest trauma;DR能量减影在胸部外伤的应用

3.Emergent treatment of seriouschest trauma: Report of 32 cases;严重胸部外伤的紧急处理32例报告



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