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禽流感病毒(H_9N_2) avian influenza virus (H_9N_2)英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-02 16:57:06


禽流感病毒(H_9N_2),avian influenza virus (H_9N_2)

1)avian influenza virus (H_9N_2)禽流感病毒(H_9N_2)


1.Inactivation efficiency of nano-Cu~(2+)/TiO_2 on avian influenza(H_9N_2)纳米Cu~(2+)/TiO_2抗菌膜对禽流感病毒(H_9N_2)的灭活效应

2.Studies on the Pathology of Layers Inoculated Experimentally with H_9N_2 Subtype Avian Influenza Virus;H_9N_2亚型禽流感病毒人工感染蛋鸡的病理学研究

3.Generation of a Reassortant A/HNP/03(H_9N_2) Influenza a Virus by 12 Plasmid-based Transfection System;应用12质粒转染系统构建A/HNP/03(H_9N_2)重组禽流感病毒

4.RNA Interference Research on Avian Influenza H5N1 Virus;禽流感H5N1病毒的RNAi研究

5.Construction of Recombinant Fowlpox Virus Expressing NA1, NA2 of Avain Influenza Virus;表达禽流感病毒NA1、NA2基因重组禽痘病毒的构建

6.Studies on Preparation of Virus-like Particles Containing H5 AIV HA Gene FragmentH5亚型禽流感病毒病毒样颗粒的研制

7.Histopathological change of waterfowl that naturally infected in avian influenza virus感染禽流感病毒的水禽的组织病理学变化

8.Pathological observation of ducklings infected with H5N1 avian influenza virusH5N1禽流感病毒感染雏鸭的病理学观察

9.H5N1 avian influenza virus infection in pregnant miceH5N1禽流感病毒感染孕鼠的研究

10.Clinical Study on Chinese Herb Antivirus of Preventing and Treating Avian Influenza;中药“病毒清”防治禽流感病的临床试验

11.Research progress on the mechanism of transmission,pathopoiesis,treatment and prevention of avian influenza virus(H5N1)禽流感病毒的传播、致病机制及其防治

12.Bird flu is a contagious disease caused by TYPE A flu virus.禽流感是由A型流感病毒引起的传染性疾病。

13.Expression of Optimized H7 Subtype Avain Influenze HA Gene;禽流感病毒H7亚型HA优化基因的表达

14.Study on Chinese Herbal Medicine Against H9N2 Subtype Avain Influenza Virus;中草药抗H9N2亚型禽流感病毒的研究

15.The Study of HA DNA Vaccine of H5 Subtype Avian Influenza Virus;H5亚型禽流感病毒HA DNA疫苗的研究

16.Study on the Inhibition of PB1 gene of Aain Influenza Virus by Antisense RNA;反义RNA抑制禽流感病毒PB1基因的研究

17.Antiviral Drug Resistance in Avian Influenza a Virus (H5N1);禽流感(H5N1)病毒耐药性研究

18.RNA Interference Research on NP, PA Gene of H6N2 Subtype Avian Influenza Virus禽流感H6N2病毒NP、PA基因的RNAi研究


H_9N_2 subtype avian influenza virusH_9N_2亚型禽流感病毒

1.Apoptosis of the immune organ in layers inoculated experimentally withH_9N_2 subtype avian influenza virus;H_9N_2亚型禽流感病毒诱导蛋鸡免疫器官细胞凋亡的动态变化

3)Avian influenza virus禽流感病毒

1.Expression of the NS1 gene of H5N1 avian influenza virus in E.coli and insect cells;H5N1亚型禽流感病毒NS1基因在大肠杆菌和昆虫细胞中的表达

2.Development and characterization of monoclonal antibodies against H7 hemagglutinin of avian influenza virus;抗禽流感病毒H7亚型血凝素特异性单克隆抗体的研制

3.The animal models of H5N1 avian influenza virus;H5N1型禽流感病毒动物模型的研究现状

4)avian influenza virus(AIV)禽流感病毒

1.Objective To detect the Rabies virus(RV) and the avian influenza virus(AIV) from bats in Guangzhou and the surrounding areas,and study the probably relation between the bats and the human diseases.目的调查了解广州及周边地区蝙蝠携带狂犬病毒和禽流感病毒的情况,分析蝙蝠与人类相关疾病的关系。

2.A method of one-step reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction was developed to subtype hemagglutinin(HA) gene of Avian influenza virus(AIV).建立一步法RT-PCR检测方法,对禽流感病毒(Avian influenza virus,AIV)的血凝素(Hemagglutinin,HA)分型进行了研究。

3.The homology of the sequences, reported and registered in GenBank of different strains of Avian influenza virus(AIV), Newcastle disease virus(NDV), Classical swine fever virus(CSFV)and Food and mouth disease virus(FMDV), was respectively analyzed and compared with each other.选择禽流感病毒(AIV)、新城疫病毒(NDV)、猪瘟病毒(CSFV)和口蹄疫病毒(FMDV)基因组序列高保守区,按照多联PCR引物的设计要求,利用DNAsis计算机软件设计并合成了4对特异性扩增引物,扩增片段大小分别为470、320、200和140bp。

5)Avian Influenza禽流感病毒

1.Expression of hemagglutinin gene of avian influenza virus in E.coli;禽流感病毒血凝素基因在大肠杆菌中的表达

2.Evaluation of the vaccine efficacy of a recombinant fowlpox virus expressing the hemagglutinin gene of H7 subtype avian influenza virus;H7亚型禽流感病毒血凝素基因重组鸡痘病毒活载体疫苗免疫原性评估

3.Protection and Construction of Recombinant Fowlpox Virus Expressing Nucleoprotein Gene ofAvian Influenza Virus;表达禽流感病毒核蛋白基因重组禽痘病毒的构建及其免疫保护性研究


1.H5N1 SubtypeAIV Strains Plaque Clone and the Biological Characteristics Comparison;H5N1亚型禽流感病毒鸡胚分离株蚀斑克隆及生物学特性比较

2.Preparation and Application of Anti-idiotypic Antibodies toAIV H9 Subtype;抗H9亚型禽流感病毒独特型抗体的制备与应用



副流感病毒副流感病毒parainfluenza virus分1、2、3、4四种血清型。1型又称“红细胞吸附病毒Ⅱ型”(HA2),2型称“哮吼类病毒”(CA),均易在婴儿中引起上呼吸道感染及支气管炎,常出现嘶哑及哮吼。3型又称红细胞吸附病毒Ⅰ型(HA1),往往引起细支气管炎或肺炎,也常出现哮吼。4型又称M-25,较少见,可在儿童及成人中发生上呼吸道感染。

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