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反舰巡航导弹 anti-ship cruise missile英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-25 20:23:57


反舰巡航导弹,anti-ship cruise missile

1)anti-ship cruise missile反舰巡航导弹

1.Based on the concept of intelligentanti-ship cruise missile and the characteristic of mission planning system,the architecture and function of mission planning system of intelligentanti-ship cruise missile are studied.介绍了智能反舰巡航导弹的概念及其任务规划系统的特点,研究了智能反舰巡航导弹任务规划系统的层次结构和功能,讨论和实现了各个层次任务规划的算法。


1.C801 and C802 anti-ship cruise missiles;C801、802两种反舰巡航导弹;

2.Dynamic Inversion Based 3D Terminal Guidance Law Designed for Anti-Ship Cruise Missiles基于动态逆的反舰巡航导弹三维末制导律设计

3.Cruise missiles launched from an aircraft carrier从航空母舰上发射的巡航导弹

4.guided missile destroyer (frigate)导弹驱逐舰(护航舰)

5.Blind launch of anti-ship missiles without route-planning capability无航路规划能力的反舰导弹盲目射击

6.ALCM(air-launched cruise missile)空中发射的巡航导弹

7.Research on Launch Sequence and Interval of Anti-ship Missile Based on Route Planning基于航路规划的反舰导弹发射顺序和间隔研究

8.Research on the Design about Flight Test Region of Anti-Ship Missile一种划定反舰导弹飞行航区的方法研究

9.The Emulation of the Warship s Optimal Course in Dodging Anti-ship Missile;舰艇规避敌反舰导弹袭击最佳机动航向的仿真分析

10.Research on Trajectory Plan for Patrol and Reconnaissance of Loitering Missile巡飞导弹区域巡逻侦察航迹规划研究

11.Shape Optimization of Cruise Missile Based on the Concept of Telescopic Wing伸缩弹翼巡航导弹气动外形优化研究

12.Please have a look at the models of cruise missiles, anti-ballistic missiles and space rockets.请看看巡航导弹、弹道导弹和宇宙火箭的模型吧。

13.The early warning detection to cruise missile is the first condition of intercepting cruise missile.对巡航导弹进行预警探测,是拦截巡航导弹的首要条件。

14.Research on the Attacking Mode for Blind Launch of Anti-Ship Missiles with Route-Planning Capability带航路规划的反舰导弹盲目射击攻击模型及性能研究

15.Fuzzy Evaluation of Anti-Warship Guided Missile Threatens;单舰对反舰导弹威胁等级的模糊评估

16.Research on the Model of End Mobile Anti-ship Missile Penetrating Anti-missile Artillery反舰导弹对近程反导舰炮的机动突防模型分析

17.Simulation and Research on the Penetration Probability of ALCM against SAM巡航导弹对地空导弹的突防概率仿真研究

18.The Feasibility Analysis of Portable Surface-to-air Missile Intercepting Cruise Missile便携式地空导弹拦截巡航导弹可行性分析


intelligent anti-ship cruise missile智能反舰巡航导弹

1.The cooperative operation ofintelligent anti-ship cruise missile becomes an important tendency,and the cooperative operation effectiveness evaluation ofintelligent anti-ship cruise missile under the condition of system combat is becoming a novel research direction.智能反舰巡航导弹协同作战已成为重要的发展趋势,如何衡量体系对抗条件下的导弹协同攻击问题是近年来作战效能评估研究的一个新方向。

3)anti-cruise missile反巡航导弹

1.This paper introduces the developing trend ofanti-cruise missile in detail such as developing the antiaircraft system of multi-level interception integration,developing the prevention system with low cost and using the strong laser weapons with high power to beat back the cruise missiles.详细介绍了反巡航导弹的发展趋势,如发展多层拦截一体化的防空系统、发展低成本防御系统、用高功率强激光武器对付巡航导弹。

4)Cruise Missile Defense反巡航导弹

1.Analysis of Infrared Detection System toCruise Missile Defense;反巡航导弹中的红外探测预警分析

5)anti cruise missile反巡航导弹

1.In the paper,we summarily introduce the feature and trend of cruise missile and the development ofanti cruise missile systems,we study the application of optronics technology toanti cruise missile systems.简要介绍巡航导弹的特点、发展趋势和反巡航导弹系统发展概况,探讨光电子技术在反巡航导弹系统中的应

6)anti ship cruise missile飞航式反舰导弹

1.An new approach based on trajectory analysis for automatically recognizing theanti ship cruise missile is presented, and two kinds of decision making rules for identifying the tracked missile, one depending on IF…THEN rule and the other involving fuzzy mappings, are derived.研究利用航迹分析方法识别飞航式反舰导弹的滤波器后处理技术 ,并且导出了基于 IF… THEN规则和基于模糊映射的反舰导弹识别判据 ,在此基础上对这两种识别判据的性能进行了分析对比 。


飞鱼mm40反舰导弹Image:11733529533430766.jpg 飞鱼mm40反舰导弹


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