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珍稀濒危植物 rare and endangered plants英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-13 02:22:48


珍稀濒危植物,rare and endangered plants

1)rare and endangered plants珍稀濒危植物

1.On the protection of the resources ofrare and endangered plants in Three-Gorge Reservoir Area;三峡库区珍稀濒危植物的现状与保护对策

2.Study onrare and endangered plants in Funiu Mountains in Henan province;河南省伏牛山珍稀濒危植物资源的研究

3.The floristic features andrare and endangered plants of Longwangshan mountain in Zhejiang province;浙江龙王山植物区系特征及珍稀濒危植物


1.Endangering Mechanism and Strategy for Conservation of Endangered Plant;珍稀濒危植物的濒危机制与保护对策

2.Study on Biological Characteristics of Rare Endangered Plant Gymnocarpos Przewalskii珍稀濒危植物裸果木生物学特性研究

3.Information System of the Rare and Endangered Plants in Sichuan Province;四川省珍稀濒危植物信息系统的建立

4.Conservation of Rare and Endangered Plants in Lianzhou City of Guangdong Province;广东连州地区珍稀濒危植物及其保护

5.Rare and Endangered Botanical Garden of wenshanensis Taichang building design文山泰昌珍稀濒危植物园建设的设计

6.Rapid Assessment on the Biodiversity of Rare and Endangered Plants in Jiulong County九龙县珍稀濒危植物多样性快速评估

7.Investigation on the Rare and Endangered Plants in the Qixiling Nature Reserve七溪岭自然保护区珍稀濒危植物研究

8.Life-table Analysis of Malania oleifera,A Rare and Endangered Plant珍稀濒危植物蒜头果种群生命表分析

9.Study on Endangered Reasons and Recovery Techniques of the Handeliodendron Bodinieri of Rare and Endangered Plants;珍稀濒危植物掌叶木致濒原因及恢复技术研究

10.Biosystematics Study on the Endangered Tree Species Cercediphyllum Japonicum;珍稀濒危植物连香树的物种生物学研究

11.The Study on Soli Microbial Diversity of Rare and Endangered Pinus Bungeana Zucc.et Endl;珍稀濒危植物白皮松土壤微生物多样性研究

12.Studies on Conservation Biology of Dysosma Versipelis (Hance) M.Cheng;珍稀濒危植物八角莲的保护生物学研究


14.The Research on Population Ecology of Rare and Endangered Plant Taxus Chinensis (Pilger) Rehd.;珍稀濒危植物中国红豆杉种群生态学研究

15.Study on Shoot-Tip Culture of Amygdalus Pedunculatus Pall;珍稀濒危植物长柄扁桃茎尖组织培养技术研究

16.Rare and Endangered Plant Resources and Countermeasures for Conservation in Qin-Ba Mountains;秦巴山区珍稀濒危植物资源及其抢救保护措施

17.Reproductive Ecology Research on Rare and Endangered Species Kmeria Septentrionalis Dandy;珍稀濒危植物单性木兰生殖生态学研究

18.The Research on Population Quantitative Characteristics of Precious and Endangering Plant-Form.Taxus Chinensis var.mairei;珍稀濒危植物南方红豆杉种群数量特征的研究


Rare and endangered plant珍稀濒危植物

1.The rare and endangered plants of Ruoliaoxian Nature Reserve and their basic characteristics;浙江箬寮岘自然保护区珍稀濒危植物及基本特征

2.Study on the flora of rare and endangered plants of Diaoluoshan Mountain in Hainan island;海南岛吊罗山地区珍稀濒危植物区系研究

3.Diversity of rare and endangered plants in Shiwandashan Mountain National Natural Reserve;十万大山国家级自然保护区珍稀濒危植物的多样性

3)rare and endangered species珍稀濒危植物

1.Inquire into the bioenvironment and the rare reasons of therare and endangered species in Chongqing;重庆市珍稀濒危植物适生环境及濒危原因初探

2.According to investigation,a total of 7rare and endangered species(taking 9.据调查,中山市共有野生珍稀濒危植物7科7属7种,种数占广东省9。

3.There are 403 tree plots, 27 shrub plots and 10 herb plots whichirare and endangered species distributed are investigated.在调查的样地中共有珍稀濒危植物分布的乔木样地为403块,灌木样地为27块,草本样地为10块。

4)Rare and threatened plants珍稀濒危植物

1.Three are 122 species of the rare and threatened plants (including 112 species of ornamental plants) in its rich plant resources.湖北省地处亚热带,植物资源丰富,蕴藏的珍稀濒危植物125种,其中具有较高观赏价值的植物112种。

5)Rare and endangered wildlife珍稀濒危动植物

6)endangered and rare plant濒危珍稀植物



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