肿瘤康复网 > 粘膜下肿瘤 Submucosal tumor英语短句 例句大全

粘膜下肿瘤 Submucosal tumor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-21 23:23:42


粘膜下肿瘤,Submucosal tumor

1)Submucosal tumor粘膜下肿瘤

1.In some submucosal tumors(SMTs) , the lesions were diagnose.结论超声内镜能对上消化道隆起性病变进行起源和初步定性诊断 ,对粘膜下肿瘤治疗方案的选择具有重要的指导意义。


1.The Clinical Analysis of 212 Cases of Small Submucosal Tumors of Esophagus212例微小食管粘膜下肿瘤的临床分析

2.Evaluation of Clinical Treatment for Submucosal Tumors of upper Gastrointestinal Tract上消化道粘膜下肿瘤的临床处理与评价

3.Her Upper GI series showed a large submucosal mass along the greater curvature at the gastric body.上消化道摄影显示在胃大弯有一大的粘膜下肿瘤。

4.Methods such as Pouring Chemical Medicine into Artery Injecting Medicine into Tela Submucosa and Pouring Medicine into Bladder to Prevent the Recurrence of Carcinoma动脉灌注化疗加膀胱粘膜下注射及术后膀胱内灌注预防肿瘤复发

5.Thus, this is a submucosal leiomyoma.此为粘膜下(发生于肌层、膜下、膜下)滑肌瘤。

parison of TNF content in intestinal mucous membrane homogenate between groups.③各组肠粘膜匀浆中肿瘤坏死因子含量的比较。

7.Treatment of Multiple Superficial Bladder Tumors with Bladder Mucosal Stripping in Aged Patients膀胱粘膜剥脱治疗高龄浅表性多发性膀胱肿瘤

8.There is a tender swelling beneath the right buccal mucosa.右侧颊部粘膜下,有带痛的肿胀。

9.MRI Diagnosis of Intradural Extramedullary Tumors髓外硬膜下肿瘤磁共振成像诊断(英)

10.Results:The tumors were adhered to one side of pulmonary vein in 9 cases pathologically the adventitia of vein was invaded by the neoplastic tissue.结果:手术所见9例肿瘤与肺静脉一侧壁粘连,病理观察肿瘤只侵及血管外膜。

11.The Comparison of the OCT and Endoscopic Ultrasonography in Ex Vivo Normal Tissue、Margin of the Tumor Tissue Anddigestive Tumor Tissue Imaging;OCT及EUS对离体消化道粘膜正常组织、肿瘤边缘组织及肿瘤组织成像的比较

12.Abstract: Cellular adhesive molecular is a kind of membrane glycoprotein, which has associations with invasion and metastasis of tumor.文摘:细胞粘附分子是一类跨膜糖蛋白、肿瘤侵袭转移关系密切。

13.Rectum polyp is located in those who mucous membrane is enclothed namely inside bowel, qualitative soft tumour.直肠息肉就是位于肠内有粘膜覆盖的、质软的肿瘤。

14.Study on the Mechanism of Damage in Intestinal Mucosa Induced by Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha in Fulminant Hepatitic Failure;肿瘤坏死因子α在暴发性肝衰竭时引起肠粘膜损伤机制的研究

15.Expression and Significance of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor in Normal Bladder Mucosa of Patients with Bladder Cancer;表皮生长因子受体在膀胱癌非肿瘤粘膜的表达及意义

16.Analysis of the effectivenss the effectiveness and safety of submucous myoma treated by TCRM宫腔镜电切术治疗子宫粘膜下肌瘤疗效分析

17.Hysteroscopic electrocision for treatment of 52 cases with submucosal hysteromyoma宫腔镜电切术治疗粘膜下子宫肌瘤(附52例报告)

18.physematous colpohyperplasia气肿性阴道粘膜增生


Esophageal submucosal tumors食管粘膜下肿瘤

3)Gastric/esophageal submucosal tumor食管/胃粘膜下肿瘤

4)endoscopic enucleation of submucosal tumor内镜粘膜下肿瘤切除[术]

5)submucosal tumors of upper gastrointestinal tract上消化道粘膜下肿瘤

1.Part 1 Endoscopic method and evaluation forsubmucosal tumors of upper gastrointestinal tractBackground:Submucosal tumors(SMT) are common in the upper gastrointestinal tract.第一部分内镜治疗上消化道粘膜下肿瘤的方法与评价背景:随着内镜器械的不断更新,内镜技术的发展,内镜检查与内镜下治疗已成为临床医师诊断疾病、治疗病患的重要手段。

6)Submucosal tumor黏膜下肿瘤

1.Endoscopic ultrasonograpy-assisted endoscopic therapy for submucosal tumors in stomach;超声内镜指导下内镜治疗胃黏膜下肿瘤

2.Application of miniprobe endoscopic ultrasonography in the endoscopic therapy of esophageal submucosal tumors;微探头内镜超声在食管黏膜下肿瘤内镜治疗中的应用

3.[Results] There were 92 patients with submucosal tumor (including 86 myogenic tumors, 4 lipomas, 2 esophageal cysts); 14 patients with esophageal polyps; 34 patients with vein tumor (including veinix), 21 protuberances from outsides organ (aorta, n =18; mediastinum tumor n =3).结果发现黏膜下肿瘤92例,其中肌原性肿瘤86例,脂肪瘤4例,囊肿2例,息肉14例,静脉瘤(静脉曲张)34例;外压性改变21例,其中胸主动脉外压18例,纵隔肿瘤3例。


睑倒粘膜睑倒粘膜 睑倒粘膜 病名。见梁翰芬《眼科讲义》。即睥肉粘轮。详见该条。

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