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先天性心脏畸形 congenital heart malformation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-23 20:55:31


先天性心脏畸形,congenital heart malformation

1)congenital heart malformation先天性心脏畸形

1.Prenatal Doppler Echocardiography diagnosis ofcongenital heart malformation彩色多普勒超声心动图诊断胎儿先天性心脏畸形的价值

2.Objective:To investigate the risk factors and diagnosis of neonatalcongenital heart malformation.目的: 探讨新生儿先天性心脏畸形的早期诊断及产前致病因素。


1.The research of animal model setting-up in congenital heart disease小鼠先天性心脏畸形动物模型的建立

2.Screening fetal congenital cardiac malformations with two-dimensional ultrasound "three sections" method二维超声“三切面”法筛查胎儿先天性心脏畸形

3.Prenatal Doppler Echocardiography diagnosis of congenital heart malformation彩色多普勒超声心动图诊断胎儿先天性心脏畸形的价值

4.The Value of Color Doppler Ultrasonography in the Prenatal Screening for Fetal Congenital Heart Defect彩色多普勒超声对胎儿先天性心脏畸形的产前筛查价值

5.Optimization of the Scan Delay Time in the CTA of Congenital Heart Malformations Using Multi-slice CT先天性心脏畸形多层螺旋CT扫描延迟时间选择优化

6.Prenatal diagnosis and clinical analysis about fetal congenital heart defects26例胎儿先天性心脏畸形的产前诊断及临床分析

7.Heart malformation: Deformity of the heart.心脏畸形(亦称先天性心脏病):先天性的心脏构造异常。

bined Congenital Heart Diseases Treated with Simultaneous Transcatheter Therapy同期介入治疗先天性心脏病复合畸形

9.Molecular Epidemiological Study on Congenital Heart Diseases and Neural Tube Defects;先天性心脏病和神经管畸形分子流行病学研究

10.Radiographic Analysis of Congenital Deformity of Kidney and Ureter肾脏及输尿管先天性畸形的X线分析

11.Clinical application of the Amplatzer vascular plug in the embolization of vascular malformations associated with congenital heart diseasesAmplatzer血管塞封堵先天性心脏病异常血管畸形的临床应用

12.Evaluation of Interventional Therapy in the Combined Congenital Heart Diseases:Analysis of 11 Cases先天性心脏病复合畸形的临床介入治疗策略探讨及评价

13.The Histological Observation of Spleen in Several Congenital Malformation Fetus;几种常见先天性畸形胎儿脾脏的组织学观察

14.Echocardiographic features of congenital mitral valve anomalies先天性二尖瓣畸形的超声心动图特征

15.a congenital deformity [disease]先天性的畸形 [疾病]

16.Echocardiographic Assessment of Congenital Anomalies of Coronary Arteries先天性冠状动脉畸形的超声心动图诊断

17.congenital rhabdomyoma of heart先天性心脏横纹肌瘤

18.The Clinical Analysis of 106 Female Patients with Congenital Genital Malformation;女性先天性生殖器畸形106例临床分析


Fetal congenital cardiac malformations胎儿先天性心脏畸形

1.MethodsFetal congenital cardiac malformations were screened from four-chamber view,left and right ventricular outflow tract views in 12 046 pregnant women.目的探讨应用二维超声"三切面"法筛查胎儿先天性心脏畸形的可行性及局限性。

3)congenital renal malformation先天性肾脏畸形

1.Value of ultrasound in the diagnosis ofcongenital renal malformations;超声诊断胎儿先天性肾脏畸形的价值(英文)

4)congenital heart valves malformation先天心脏瓣膜畸形

5)congenital deformity先天性畸形

6)Congenital malformation先天性畸形

1.The Anatomical and Histological Observation of Appendix in Several Congenital Malformation Fetus;几种先天性畸形胎儿阑尾的解剖及组织学观察

2.Analysis on the composition of 481 neonates with congenital malformation and their associated factors;新生儿先天性畸形481例构成和相关因素分析

3.Purpose: To study the anatomical and histological structure of colon of congenital malformation fetus,to discuss the relationships between several malformations and the development of colon.目的:研究先天性畸形胎儿结肠的解剖及组织学结构,探讨几种畸形与结肠发育之间的关系。


鼻部先天性畸形鼻部先天性畸形congenital abnormalities of the nose胚胎发育障碍所致的畸形,较少见。①外鼻畸形唇侧裂合并鼻翼及鼻底畸形较常见。鼻背中线皮样囊肿及瘘管,鼻根部脑膨出,鼻翼萎陷和鞍鼻偶见。鼻前孔闭锁或狭窄、鼻裂、双鼻畸形、单鼻畸形和管形鼻少见。这些畸形均需手术矫治。②鼻后孔闭锁偶见鼻后孔单侧或双侧闭锁,大多数是膜性闭锁,少数为骨性闭锁。此病常并发其他先天畸形。

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