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颅脑MRI cerebral MRI英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-26 09:23:25


颅脑MRI,cerebral MRI

1)cerebral MRI颅脑MRI


1.Diagnostic value of a routine brain MRI examination in elderly patients with acute vertigo颅脑MRI在老年急性眩晕患者诊断中的应用价值

2.The Comparative Analvsis of Scalp-acupuncture"S Effect on Cranial MRI in Patients with Vascular Dementia Induced by Cerebral Infarct头针治疗脑梗死所致痴呆患者前后颅脑MRI临床对比分析

3.The Study of Brain MRI in Adult with Hypertension and Animal Model Experiment Concerned;成年人高血压颅脑MRI表现及有关动物模型的实验研究

4.Analysis of the Correlation between the Clinical Manifestations and MRI Appearances of Brain with HLD肝豆状核变性的临床特征与颅脑MRI表现的相关性分析

5.The Application of FLAIR in Brain Using Low Field Strength MR低场MRI FLAIR序列在颅脑诊断中的应用

6.CT and MRI appearances of primary intraosseous meningioma of the skull原发性颅骨内脑膜瘤的CT与MRI表现

7.Establishment of Preview Platform for Cranial Surgery Based on CT and MRI Data基于CT、MRI数据建立颅脑手术预演平台

8.CT and MRI manifestations of neurofibromatosis in cranium and spinal column神经纤维瘤病颅脑和脊柱CT、MRI表现

9.MRI and MRS Study of Primary Cranial Malignant Lymphoma颅脑原发性恶性淋巴瘤的MRI和MRS诊断

10.Prognostic Value of Cerebral CT and MRI in Comatose Patients after Severe Traumatic Brain Injury头颅CT和MRI对重度颅脑损伤后昏迷患者的预后评估

11.Clinical Study of Dynamic of Pituitary Hormones and MRI Features in Patients with Acute Severe Craniocerebral Injury;重型颅脑损伤患者垂体激素改变及MRI改变的临床分析

12.The Study of Prognosis Evaluation in Patients with Acute Closed Traumatic Brain Injury Using MRI;MRI影像与急性闭合型颅脑损伤预后的相关性研究

13.There is no bone matrix artifact disturbing in detect cerebelhm lesions by MRI. It is important to use MRI techniqne in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of the cerebellum lesions,particularly in diagnosis meninges metastatic tumours.结论MRI对后颅凹检查无骨质伪影干扰 ,对小脑区病变的诊断和鉴别诊断有?

14.The inner surface of the skull.颅内骨膜脑颅的内表面

15.Meckel Cave:Comparative Study Between Cadaver Sections and MR ImagesMeckel腔:头颅断层标本与MRI对照研究

16.The Changes of Eye-associated Structures in Intracranial Hypertension Patients: MRI Study;颅内压增高眼相关结构变化的MRI研究

17.CT and MRI Study of the Central Basicranial Area Diseases;中央颅底区病变的CT和MRI研究

18.MRI and MRS Study of Intracranial Hemangiopericytoma颅内血管外皮细胞瘤的MRI及MRS诊断


MRI examination of brain颅脑MRI检查

3)Cranial MRI头颅MRI

1.Evaluation of cranial MRI in the diagnosis and treatment of children virus encephalitis;头颅MRI在小儿病毒性脑炎诊疗中的应用价值



1.Clinical Value Of PROPERLLER MRI forBrain Imaging;PROPELLER技术在颅脑MR成像中的临床应用价值

2.The way of functional brain MR image diagnosis;MRI在颅脑功能性成像中的探讨

3.Application and Contrast of FLAIR Sequence and FSE Sequence in MRI of theBrain;FLAIR与FSE序列在颅脑疾病诊断中的对比应用


1.Observation and Nursing ofHead Injury Treated byHigh Pressure Oxygen;颅脑损伤高压氧治疗的观察与护理

2.The Study on the CT Imaging and Biomechanical Mechanism ofHead Deceleration Injury颅脑减速伤CT影像及生物力学致伤机制研究

3.Objectives:To study the relationship between the course of disease and P300 of patients with closed head injury and assess optimum time for P300 measuring.目的:研究闭合性颅脑外伤患者病程与P_(300)之间的关系,探讨此类患者作P_(300)测定的最佳时间。


MRI理论MRI理论MRI theoryMRI理论(M R 1 rheory)一种家庭沟通理论。由美国的人际关系研究协会(Menta1Researchlnstitute,简称MRI)于1960年在加州创家庭疗法研究所之后集体提出,它特别重视人类工程学和人际沟通理论的研究。主要依据是华兹拉维克(Watzlawiek,P.)发表的“黑箱模式”(blaekb。、model)。华兹拉维克认为,人们只要详细记载进入黑箱的讯息(输入)及黑箱出来的讯息(输出),找出两者之间的关系,即可明白黑箱的功能和操作规则。这个理论模式在个人心理研究上,就是不需要理会人的内心活动,而把注意焦点集中在可观察的外来刺激(输入)和个人反应(输出)两个变量上,由此找出一些有意义的原理、原则。而进一步运用到人与人的沟通_L,就是主张不研究双方的心理现象,只从其语言、态度、反应等表现中,找出有效的沟通原则。华兹拉维克还表不,研究人的各种心理活动,本来是无可非议的。但是,如果要真正掌握人类的行为原则,这类探索,非但无济于事,有时反而会造成混乱。支持华兹拉维克的人或持MRI理论的人据此主张,要找出人际沟通的相关原则,与其使用精神分析的思考方式,去挖掘人的潜意识,不如运用人类工程理论、游戏理论、信息加工理论及一般系统观点来得更为恰当和有效。(孙俊山撰高玉祥审)

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