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至阴 extreme yin英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-30 12:43:34


至阴,extreme yin

1)extreme yin至阴

1.Based on this pattern,we can exactly understand the yin and yang range of five zang-organs,why the spleen is theextreme yin,why the spleen is the isolated zang,how the spleen governs four seasons,the ascending and descending of visceral qi,as well as why it can be applied in clinic that the spleen and stomach are the pivot of the ascending and descending of visceral qi.讨论了《内经》的河图五行模式,指出河图五行模式是《内经》成书时就已采用的五行模式,以此五行模式可清晰地解释五脏的太少阴阳属性,脾为至阴,脾为孤脏,脾主四时等难题,并能阐释脏气的升降运动及脾胃为枢的临床指导意义。


1.While still squeezing the closed end, use your other hand to unroll the condom gently down the full length of the penis.当用手指按安全套前端,把空气挤出时,用另一只手把安全套套住整个阴茎直至阴毛部份。

2.Even the dark clouds and storms began to subside15) and bright sunny days became a common sight.甚至阴沉的乌云也逐渐减少,猛烈的暴风雨也逐渐平息,明媚的阳光成了那里的常客。

3.He is the greatest schemer of all time他是从古至今最大的阴谋家。

4.ESR went up to 90 mm/h, but PPD still negative血沉上升至90毫米/时。纯结核菌素试验阴性。

5.His mood threw a dinge even over the two children.他这种情绪甚至对两个孩子也投下一层阴影。

6.At the left, dark vulvar skin leads to vagina and to cervix in the center, where an irregular tan tumor mass is seen infiltrating upward to the bladder.图左示外阴(肤色深)阴道,图中示宫颈肿瘤,一不规则褐色肿物,向下浸润至膀胱。

7.On the physical examination, several skin colored to brownish soft papules were observed on the right vulva.理学检查发现在病人右侧大阴唇有数个肤色至棕色的柔软丘疹。

8.Up till now, The shadow over Qu Qiubai still fails to recede.时至今日,瞿秋白头上因《多余的话》笼罩的阴影仍然挥之不去。

9.O Lord, You have brought up my soul from Sheol; You have kept me alive, that I would not go down to the pit.诗30:3耶和华阿、曾把我的灵魂从阴间救上来、我存活、至于下坑。

10.You know, the lunar New year is coming, We must finish the jiaozhi advertisement soon.你知道,阴历新年将至,我们必须赶在年前把我们饺子广告推出去。

11.My mentor taught me about the force... even the nature of the dark side.我的导师将原力的知识传授给了我...甚至是阴暗面的本质.

12."O Lord, you have made my soul come again from the underworld: you have given me life and kept me from going down among the dead."耶和华阿,你曾把我的灵魂从阴间救上来,使我存活,不至于下坑。

13.Clinical Observation on Asthenic Nephroyin Type of Climacteric Syndrome by Zuogui Boius Wan and Er Zhi Wan;左归丸合二至丸治疗肾阴虚型围绝经期诸证临床观察

14.Deviation and complementary--Shadow and sunshine created by readers-deciding theory in the era of Fan-cul ture;偏至与互补——读者决定论在泛文化时代里所产生的阴影与光芒

15.It is a wretched, damp, nay, even horrible spot, more especially when we consider the agonizing conferences which have taken place between those iron bars.这是一个阴森、潮湿,甚至是令人恐怖的地方,尤其是想到这两道铁栅之间那种可怕的谈话的时候。

16.Werewolves are aware of sinister things lurking in the shadows, horrible creatures mankind simply does not understand... or even recognize.狼人深知那些潜伏于阴影的恶鬼,知道那些人类不了解甚至不认识的可怖造物。

17.A special program is designed to perform backward motion of cathode on the old locus when breakdown is occured and go on after geting rid of the occurance.详细介绍了发生故障时,阴极按原轨迹回退和再进给至原加工点的编程方法。

18.The investigation exposes an incredible story of conspiracy, intrigue, incest, and perhaps even murder.此项调查揭露了一个难以置信的关于阴谋诡计、乱伦,甚至也许是谋杀的故事。


Zhiyin point至阴穴

1.Similarly,The moxibustion onZhiyin point can also increase the fetal movement to achieve the purpose of the lifting cord entanglement,and the method is simple,and which has lower requirements in equipment,so more suitable for the promotion of broad grass-roots hospitals.而艾灸至阴穴同样可以增加胎动,达到解除脐带缠绕的目的,而且由于艾灸之法操作简单,对设备和器材的要求更低,更适合于广大基层医院的推广。

3)yin-yang alternation on the summer solstice夏至阴阳转换

1.Fromyin-yang alternation on the summer solstice,a simple principle of the ancient Chinese,this paper analyzes in detail internal relations of a series of customs from the Dragon Boat Festival and discusses the formation and development of legends related to the festival as well as the construction of special cultural space.本文从夏至阴阳转换这一古人的朴素原理出发,详析端午节俗的一系列内在联系,从而探讨端午传说与节俗的产生和发展过程,及其结构的特殊文化空间。


1.The Diachronic Replacement ofZhi (至) by Dao (到)“至”和“到”的历时更替

5)true feelings and true characters至情至性

1.Histrue feelings and true characters, is "poet of high attainments", and "the feeling is holy" even more.他至情至性,是“诗圣”,更是“情圣”。

6)true feelings and disposition至性至情

1.Dufu s poems about family emotion express the poet s mind oftrue feelings and disposition and his strong sense of responsibility for the family , in which the rich ideas of family ethic are more capable of revealing the poet s unique character in Chinese traditional culture atmosphere, which makes us approach and understand Dufu more vividly and comprehensively.杜甫家庭亲情诗表现了诗人至性至情的心怀和对家庭强烈的道德责任感 ,其中浓郁的家庭伦理观念 ,更能展示中国传统文化氛围中诗人的独特个性 ,使我们更真切更全面地走近和了解杜



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