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信用评级 credit rating英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-29 22:50:45


信用评级,credit rating

1)credit rating信用评级

1.Enterprisecredit rating model based on BP neural networks;基于BP神经网络的企业信用评级模型

2.Design and development ofcredit rating system;信用评级系统的设计与开发

3.A Method of Credit Ratings Based on Progressive Decision Utility;分段效用决策的信用评级方法


1.The Research of IRB Applied in the Credit Risk Rating System of CCB;内部评级法在建设银行信用评级中的应用研究

2.Research on Financial Appraisal in Enterprise Credit Rating;企业信用评级中的财务评价问题研究

3.Research on the Application of M.H.DIS Approach on Credit Assessment;多标准等级判别模型在信用评级中的应用研究

4.SVM and Application Study in Personal Credit Scoring;SVM及其在个人信用评级中的应用研究

5.Learning Vector Quantization Neural Networks Applied to Credit Rating;LVQ神经网络在信用评级上的应用

6.Improving Financial Regulation System by Introducing of Credit Rating;运用信用评级手段完善金融监管体系

7.In Candidacy for The Degree of Master of Business Administration in Finance Manangement;信用评级技术在公司信用管理中的应用研究

8.The Apply of Credit Rating in Calculating Credit Loss of Corporation Bonds;信用评级在估计债券信用风险损失中的应用

9.An Application of Hierarchy-Station Evaluation Theory in Credit Rating;层位评价理论在企业信用评级中的应用

10.Analysis of the Rule of Credit Rating Institutions in the Formation of Subordinated Debts Crisis and Its Implications信用评级机构在次级债危机形成中的角色解析

11.The Research on the Application of Entropy Model for Credit Evaluation in Auto Finance;信息熵模型在汽车金融信用评级中的应用研究

12.Study on the Client Credit Grading System for Rural Credit Cooperatives in China;我国农村信用社客户信用评级系统研究

13.Establish the Internal Rating System to Prevent the Credit Risk;防范信用风险加速内部信用评级体系建设

14.A Preliminary Approach to Establishing Farmer Household Credit Rating System in Rural Credit Cooperatives;构建农村信用社农户信用评级体系初探

15.Internal Credit Rating Study on National Commercial Bank System;我国商业银行内部信用评级体系研究

16.Study on the Enterprise Credit Rating System Based on Investor s Benefits;基于投资者的企业信用评级体系研究

17.Case Analysis of Domestic Commercial Bank s Credit Rating System;国内商业银行信用评级体系案例研究

18.Study of Credit Rating Method Based on Factor Analysis;基于因子分析对信用评级方法的研究


credit evaluation信用评级

1.The Project of the Corporate Bonds and Credit Evaluation Market Development;企业债券与信用评级市场发展的构想

2.The paper discussed several issues about the establishment ofcredit evaluation indexes system,especially on how to learn experiences from developed countries before entering into the WTO.信用评级指标体系是信用评级的依据 ,也是保证信用评级结果客观公正的手段。

3.This paper firstly reviewed the research meaning and importance of corporatecredit evaluation,and introduced the development process and main principles of several methods of corporatecredit evaluation,including the summary of classical statistic method,the ANN algorithm in AI and rough set.结合现实阐述了企业信用评价的研究意义及重要性,并介绍了几种常见信用评价方法的发展历程及主要原理,包括经典统计算法的概括,人工智能方法中的ANN方法,粗糙集算法原理;然后使用两个数据集验证了三类算法中的代表性算法在实例中的应用效率,在实验结果分析的基础上,概括出各种常见算法的利弊,讨论较佳算法,以及在企业信用评级领域的适用性。

3)credit grading信用评级

1.Testing the Client Credit Grading System Using Econometric Model;客户信用评级系统的经济计量模型检验

2.Clientcredit grading system is an internal ratings-based system which banks use in order to regulate the credit business and reduce loan risks.客户信用评级系统是银行业为规范授信业务、降低贷款风险而采用的内部评级系统,用于对被评级对象履行还款责任的能力及其可信任程度进行客观公正的评价。

4)Credit Enhancement & Evaluation信用评级与增级

5)credit rating信贷评级;信用评级

6)credit rating信用评级;信用评核


信用评级机构 信用评级机构——信用评级机构是金融市场上一个重要的服务性中介机构,它是由专门的经济、法律、财务专家组成的、对证券发行人和证券信用进行等级评定的组织。证券信用评级的主要对象为各类公司债券和地方债券,有时也包括国际债券和优先股票,普通股股票一般不作评级。

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