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气速 gas velocity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-31 11:07:19


气速,gas velocity

1)gas velocity气速

1.Based on the dense phase pneumatic conveying experiment for carbon black,orthogonal experiment is conducted for the breaking rate during conveying carbon black,and the influences of conveying gas quantity control andgas velocity on the breaking rate are studied.在炭黑密相气力输送试验的基础上,对炭黑输送中的破碎率进行了正交试验,并研究了输送气量控制、气速对破碎率的影响,认为气速是影响粒子破碎率的主要因素,在保证输送正常(不堵管)的情况下,降低输送气速,可大大地降低炭黑在气力输送中的破碎率。

2.Using spray to simulate the mist eliminator"s actual working environment, at the condition of normal temperature and normal pressure, the relation between separation efficiency and outletgas velocity, the relation between.实验采用喷雾来模拟工业应用中除沫器的实际工作环境,在常温常压的条件下进行了实验,测定了在不同喷雾量下气流速度与除沫器的压降以及分离效率的关系;在最佳喷雾量不同出口气速的条件下,粘度与分离效率的关系。

2)discharge velocity排气气速

3)velocity of rise-up vapor漏气气速

1.For the downcomer with 12 bottom-orifices,the rise-up vapor would break through the downcomer liquid when the realvelocity of rise-up vapor was 1.开有12个液流孔的降液管在液流孔的真实漏气气速为1。

4)gas production rate采气速度

1.Based on the influence ofgas production rate on gas productivity idex, recoverable reserves and gas production of unit pressure, and combination with pressure step of eachgas production rate, the paper proposes that high abnormal pressure reservoir production is classed high pressure step and atmospheric pressure step.在分析采气速度对气井采气指数的影响、对可采储量的影响和对单位地压系数采气量的影响的基础上,结合各采气速度所处的压力阶段,提出了高压异常气藏生产分为高压阶段和常压阶段,并通过对各井各阶段不同采气速度下的效果对比分析。


1.Analysis of quantitative relationship between gas offtake and plateau duration of natural gas reservoir气藏采气速度与稳产期定量关系研究

2.and an identical ultimate recovery factor may be obtained at different gas producing raters under the conditions of the same n umber of producing wells and the same abandonment pressure.在相同的生产井数和废弃压力下 ,不同的采气速度可以获得相同的最终采收率。

3.An e-timing motor for the transport can ensure the placidity move speed.输送采用电子调速电机,运行速度平稳。

4.Gas pendulum accelerometer and laminar jet angular rate gyroscope气体摆式加速度计与射流角速度陀螺

5.westerly component (of an air current)气流的西向速度分量

6.throttle positioner节气门怠速开度控制阀

7.The study used relatively small values of superficial gas velocity.这项研究采用相当小的表观气速。

8.Case Analysis or Well Zhou 17 to Increase Oil Production Rate and Shorten Early Production Test Time.州17井提高采油速度缩短试采时间情况分析

9.Pneumatic signals will travel only at sonic speeds.气动信号的传输速度仅仅相当于音速。

10.The inverter speed regulation system on this machine makes it much easier to shift speed.设备采用变频调速使生产速度很容易调整。

11.Using importation system of infinitely variable speed,can adjust productional speed.采用进口无级变速系统,可调节生产速度。

12.The crowd started barracking (the slow rate of play).群众(对比赛的速度之慢)喝起了倒采.

13.Design and Implement of Fowing Velocity and Temperature Data Acquisition System流速温度数据采集系统的设计与实现

14.breathless speed令人上气不接下气的速度

15.Pneumatic conveying requires comparatively high gas velocities.气力输送需要比较高的气体速度。

16.Effect of velocity ratio on combustion process gas-gas injector速度比对气-气喷嘴燃烧性能的影响

17.Differ as a result of what use base period, development speed can be divided mix than development speed to develop speed, link compared to the same period calm base development speed.由于采用基期的不同,发展速度可分为同比发展速度、环比发展速度和定基发展速度。

18.The velocity of sound in water is more than four times that in air .声音在水中的速度是在空气中的速度的4倍多。


discharge velocity排气气速

3)velocity of rise-up vapor漏气气速

1.For the downcomer with 12 bottom-orifices,the rise-up vapor would break through the downcomer liquid when the realvelocity of rise-up vapor was 1.开有12个液流孔的降液管在液流孔的真实漏气气速为1。

4)gas production rate采气速度

1.Based on the influence ofgas production rate on gas productivity idex, recoverable reserves and gas production of unit pressure, and combination with pressure step of eachgas production rate, the paper proposes that high abnormal pressure reservoir production is classed high pressure step and atmospheric pressure step.在分析采气速度对气井采气指数的影响、对可采储量的影响和对单位地压系数采气量的影响的基础上,结合各采气速度所处的压力阶段,提出了高压异常气藏生产分为高压阶段和常压阶段,并通过对各井各阶段不同采气速度下的效果对比分析。

5)gas recovery velocity采气速率

1.Investigation on optimizedgas recovery velocity of natural gas storage in salt rock layer by numerical simulation;盐岩储气库最佳采气速率数值模拟研究

6)gas injection rate注气速度


咽速康气雾剂药物名称:咽速康气雾剂汉语拼音:Yansukang Qiwuji主要成分:人工牛黄、珍珠、雄黄、蟾酥、冰片、麝香。性状:黄色混悬型液体,放置分层;喷射时有特异香气,味辛。药理作用:可抑制急性、慢性和变态反应性炎症,并具有镇痛和抑制上呼吸道致病菌作用。功能与主治:解毒、消肿、止痛。用于咽喉肿痛、单双乳蛾的肺胃实热证。用法与用量:用前将本品充分振摇,倒置,喷头圆口对准口腔,闭气,按阀门上端喷头,溶液成雾状喷入口腔,闭口数分钟,一次喷3下,一日3次,7天为一疗程。不良反应:用药后均感用药部位有麻、胀等不适感,一般30分钟可消失,不需特殊处理。禁忌症:孕妇禁用,儿童慎用。口腔粘膜破损如口腔溃疡等患者禁用。注意事项:不宜长期使用或短时间内连续多次喷用。规格: 9.5g(含药液5ml)。贮藏:密闭,置凉暗处。有效期:暂定1年。处方药:是

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