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生殖器溃疡 Genital ulcer英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-16 13:54:59


生殖器溃疡,Genital ulcer

1)Genital ulcer生殖器溃疡

1.Research on clinical feasures and sexual behaviors of venereal disease sufferers charactered with genital ulcer;以生殖器溃疡为特征性病患者的临床和性行为情况研究

2.Detection and typing of herpes simplex virus in genital ulcers;生殖器溃疡中单纯疱疹病毒的检测和分型

3.Objectives: To understand genital ulcer disease(GUD) among patients attending sexually transmitteddisease (STD) clinics in Guangzhou, China, and itsassociation with HIV infection.目的了解性病门诊生殖器溃疡性疾病(GUD)的HIV感染状况及其与HIV感染的关系。


1.Evaluation on the Treatment and Intervention for the Tenital Ulcer Diseases生殖器溃疡性疾病的治疗与干预效果评价

2.Detection of Chancroid and the Other Etiology of Genital Ulcer Disease;软下疳及其它生殖器溃疡性疾病病原体检测分析

3.Research on clinical feasures and sexual behaviors of venereal disease sufferers charactered with genital ulcer;以生殖器溃疡为特征性病患者的临床和性行为情况研究

4.Methods To make laboratory inspection and clinical resolution with 116 patients with genital ulcer diseases according to united criteria.方法按照统一的诊断标准,实验室检查和临床分析116例生殖器溃疡患者的临床资料。

5."chancroid:a soft, highly infectious, nonsyphilitic venereal ulcer of the genital region, caused by the bacillus Hemophilus ducreyi."一种软而具高度传染性的生殖器官区的非梅毒性病溃疡,由细菌杜雷克嗜血杆菌引起.

6.A soft, highly infectious, nonsyphilitic venereal ulcer of the genital region, caused by the bacillus Hemophilus ducreyi.软下疳一种软而具高度传染性的生殖器官区的非梅毒性病溃疡,由细菌杜雷克嗜血杆菌引起

7.Study of Effects of Yu-kui Ointment on Angiogenesis and Cell Proliferation/Apoptosis for Skin Ulcer Rats愈溃膏对大鼠体表溃疡血管生成、细胞增殖/凋亡调控作用的研究

8.a medicinal tablet (trade name Carafate) used to treat peptic ulcers; said to bind to the ulcer site and coat it.用来治疗消化器官溃疡的药物(商标是Carafate);据说能治愈溃疡。

9."A rash appears on the trunk. The sites where the Bacilli multiplied become inflamed and may ulcerate, leading to intestinal Bleeding or peritonitis."躯体出现斑疹。芽胞杆菌聚集繁殖的地方发炎,可能发生溃疡,导致肠出血或腹膜炎。

10.Pathogenicity Research of the Pathogen Associated with Ulceration in Cultured Sea Cucumber (Apostichopus Japonicus);养殖刺参(Apostichopus japonicus)溃疡病病原菌致病性研究

11.Regional lymph nodes become swollen and eventually ulcerate.局部淋巴结先是肿胀而最后发生溃疡。

12.Detachment of the dead cells produces erosions and ulcers.死亡细胞的脱落,产生糜烂和溃疡。

13.Study on Canker Occurrence Regularity and Integrated Control Measures of Carya cathayensis山核桃溃疡病的发生规律及防治措施

14.Evidence-based Study on Probiotics for Ulcerative Colitis促生素治疗溃疡性结肠炎的循证研究

15.To become infected with or as if with canker.受到溃疡感染被溃疡感染的或仿佛被溃疡感染

16.Preliminary study on physiological and biochemical characteristics of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri in Hunan province湖南省柑橘溃疡病病菌生理生化特性初步研究

17.Effect of Weiyang Shengji Decoction on Refractory Peptic Ulcer中药胃疡生肌汤对难治性消化性溃疡疗效的影响

18.Clinical Study of Treating Ulcerative Colitis with Kuijieling(p.o.) and Jiedushengjitang(Enem.);溃结灵(口服)合解毒生肌汤(灌肠)治疗溃疡性结肠炎的临床研究


genital ulcer disease生殖器溃疡

1.The evaluatin was based on direct observation of health care providers managing urethral discharge,genital ulcer disease in men andgenital ulcer disease in women.方法选择我国两城市的所有性病专科门诊和部分综合医院皮肤科、泌尿科和性病科作为被调查机构 ,直接观察医生处理男性尿道分泌物和男女生殖器溃疡病例的过程。

3)genital ulcer diseases(GUDs)生殖器溃疡(GUD)

4)Genital mucosa ulcer生殖器黏膜溃疡


6)To develop an ulcer;become ulcerous.产生溃疡;溃烂



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