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松果菊 Echinacea英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-18 12:52:45



1)Echinacea[英][,ek?"nei?i?][美][,?k?"nesi?, -"ne??]松果菊

1.Application of Fingerprint Chromatogram for Distinguishing 3 IntroducedEchinacea Species;色谱指纹图谱在区分3种引种松果菊中的应用

2.Simultaneous determination of 4 phenolic compounds in different parts ofEchinacea species;HPLC法同时测定松果菊属中4种酚类化合物

3.Immunity of the Effects ofEchinacea Compound Lozenge;松果菊润喉片的免疫药理学研究


1.Studies on the Pollen Morphology of Three Species of Echinacea Moench.菊科松果菊属三种药用植物花粉的形态研究

2.Analysis of Inorganic Elements and Amino Acid in Three Species of Echinacea3种松果菊的无机元素及氨基酸分析

3.Study on the lipid compounds from Echinacea purpurea紫花松果菊亲脂性化学成分研究(Ⅱ)

4.Determination of echinacoside in Echinacea purpurea by RP-HPLC反相高效液相色谱法测定紫锥菊中松果菊苷的含量

5.Tissue Culture and Hairy Root Inducing of Echinacea Angustifolia and Studies on the Accumulation of Echinacoside and Chlorogenic Acid;狭叶松果菊组织培养、毛状根诱导及其松果菊苷和绿原酸积累的研究

6.The herb extract echinacea has immune-enhancing properties.松果菊属草药提取物也可以提高免疫力。

7.Identification of Cucumber mosaic virus isolated from Echinacea purpurea侵染紫松果菊的黄瓜花叶病毒分离物鉴定

8.Studies on pharmacognostical identification of Echinacea angustifolia狭叶松果菊的形态、性状与显微鉴别研究

9.Preliminary Studies on Flowering Control by Means of Photoperiod in Echinacea Purpurea White Swan ;光周期调控‘白天鹅’松果菊开花的初步研究

10.Study on the Effect of Echinacoside on GJIC in Rat Hepatocarcinoma Cell;松果菊苷对大鼠肝癌细胞GJIC影响的研究

11.Determination of echinacoside in Herba Cistanchis from different regions by HPLCHPLC法测定不同产地肉苁蓉中松果菊苷的含量

12.Evaluation for Plant Regeneration Potential of Root Explants in Echinacea purpurea松果菊根外植体植株再生能力的评价(英文)

13.Determination of Echinacoside in Tenghuang Jiangu Pills by HPLCHPLC法测定藤黄健骨丸中松果菊苷的含量

14.Microscopic Identification of Cultivated Echinacea pallida′s Root and Fruit from Jilin Province吉林省栽培淡紫松果菊果实和根的性状及显微鉴别研究

15.The active ingredients of immune stimulants like Echinacea and oriental mushrooms are also a function of their polysaccharides.多聚糖还是一种免疫系统激素,与松果菊和东方蘑菇的作用相类似。

16.Progress in identification of three plants of Echinacea Moench.and their active constituents and biotechnology3种松果菊属植物的鉴别、活性成分及生物技术研究进展

17.The Analysis on the Characteristics of the Coat Protein Genes of Cucumber mosaic Virus Isolated from Echinacea purpurea Moench黄瓜花叶病毒紫松果菊分离物外壳蛋白特性分析

18.Objective To investigate the pharmaceutical effects of Echinacea compound lozenge on sputum-reducing and immune functions in mice.目的 观察松果菊润喉片对小鼠免疫功能及其化痰的影响。


Echinacea Purpurea松果菊

1.Studies on Chemical Constituents in Wssential Oil fromEchinacea Purpurea;松果菊挥发油的化学成分研究

2.Evaluation for Plant Regeneration Potential of Root Explants in Echinacea purpurea松果菊根外植体植株再生能力的评价(英文)

3.The results are as follows:①Echinacea purpurea Whi.‘白天鹅松果菊(Echinacea purpure‘White Swan )是一种优良的切花品种,其花瓣为白色,并常带浅绿色,株型较大。


1.Effects ofechinacoside on protein expression from substantia nigra and striatal tissue in mouse MPTP model of Parkinsons disease by using 2-dimensional electrophoresis analysis;松果菊苷对帕金森病模型小鼠黑质纹状体蛋白表达影响的双向电泳分析

2.Study on secondary metabolic organ ofechinacoside in herbs of Cistanche tubulosa;管花肉苁蓉松果菊苷次生代谢部位研究

3.Effects ofechinacoside on striatal extracellular levels of monoamines neurotransmitters in 6-hydroxydopamine lesion rats;松果菊苷对6-羟基多巴胺急性损伤大鼠纹状体细胞外液中单胺类递质的影响

4)Echinacea Moench松果菊属

1.Progress in identification of three plants ofEchinacea Moench.and their active constituents and biotechnology;3种松果菊属植物的鉴别、活性成分及生物技术研究进展

5)Echinacea purpurea紫松果菊

1.PRELIMINARY STUDY ON BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF ~7Li ION BEAMS ONEchinacea purpurea;~7Li离子束诱变紫松果菊的生物效应研究初报

6)Echinacea purpurea Moench紫松果菊

1.The Analysis on the Characteristics of the Coat Protein Genes of Cucumber mosaic Virus Isolated fromEchinacea purpurea Moench;黄瓜花叶病毒紫松果菊分离物外壳蛋白特性分析

2.The virus particles of about 30nm in diameter were isolated fromEchinacea purpurea Moench showing systemic sympotoms,including yellow mosaic on leaves.从表现黄花叶症状的紫松果菊病株上获得分离物2-1-2,电镜下可见直径约30 nm的球状病毒粒体,其与黄瓜花叶病毒抗体呈强的阳性反应,ds-RNA的谱带类型与本实验室保存的标准黄瓜花叶病毒株系相同。


松果菊松果菊介绍 松果菊 (Echinacea purpurea Moench)科属: 菊科 松果菊属别名: 紫锥花 紫松果菊形态特征: 高度0.6-1.5(M)全株具粗毛,茎直立;基生叶卵形或三角形,茎生叶卵状披针形,叶柄基部稍抱茎;头状花序单生于枝顶,或数多聚生,花径达10cm,舌状花紫红色,管状花橙黄色。花期6-7月。分布与习性:分布在北美,世界各地多有栽培,稍耐寒,喜生于温暖向阳处,喜肥沃、深厚、富含有机质的土壤。繁殖与栽培:播种法繁殖,于春、秋两季进行,生长健壮,管理简便。应用:可作背景栽植或作花境、坡地材料,亦作切花。图片:

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