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病原物诱导启动子 pathogen inducible promoter英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-06 05:25:19


病原物诱导启动子,pathogen inducible promoter

1)pathogen inducible promoter病原物诱导启动子

1.Construct of plant safety expression vector harboring twopathogen inducible promoters含双病原物诱导启动子植物安全表达载体的构建


1.Construct of plant safety expression vector harboring two pathogen inducible promoters含双病原物诱导启动子植物安全表达载体的构建

2.Genetic Transformation and Promoter Activity Assays of Plant Safety Expression Vectors Harboring Two Tandem Pathogen-Inducible Promoters;含双病原物诱导启动子植物安全表达载体的遗传转化及表达活性分析

3.I-Chintinase Gene Driven by Pathogens Responsive Promoter Genetic Transformation of Sugarcane;病原诱导启动子驱动几丁质酶基因遗传转化甘蔗的研究

4.Cloning, Sequence Analysis and Prokaryotic Expression of Pathogenesis-In- duced Protein (PIP) Gene from Peanut花生病程诱导蛋白基因AhPIP1和启动子的克隆、序列分析及原核表达

5.Natural Compounds Induce Klotho Promoter Activity and Klotho Promoter Analysis天然化合物诱导Klotho启动子活性及Klotho启动子分析

6.Clone of MOC1 Promoter and Its Inductive Material Selection in Rice;水稻MOC1基因启动子的克隆与诱导物的筛选

7.The Molecular Mechanism Study of LPS Induced the uPA Promoter ElementsLPS诱导uPA启动子的分子机制的研究

8.Construction and Expressing Regulation of Apical Tissue-specific and High Efficient Inducible Promoters;植物顶端组织高效诱导型启动子的创建与表达调控研究

9.Application of Stress-Induced Promoter in Plant Genetic Engineering胁迫诱导型启动子在植物抗逆基因工程中的应用

10.Construction and Functional Analysis of a Synthetic Wound-and Hormone-inducible Promoter ocs/masocs/mas,一个受损伤和植物激素诱导的嵌合启动子的构建与功能分析

11.Construction of Inducible Deletion System of Selectable Marker Gene by Using Cre/loxP System and rd29A Promoter利用Cre/loxP系统和rd29A启动子构建诱导型植物标记基因删除载体

12.Characterization of the Inducible Promoter BjC-P诱导型启动子BjC-P的功能分析

13.Apoptosis of Hepatoma Cells Induced by Trail with Survivin PromoterSurvivin基因启动子驱动Trail诱导肝癌细胞凋亡

14.Analysis of Rice Genes Induced by Striped Stemborer (Chilo Suppressalis) Attack Identified a Promoter Fragment Highly Specifically Responsive to Insect Feeding;二化螟诱导水稻表达的基因及二化螟特异诱导水稻启动子的克隆

15.Mouse Mesenchymal Stem Cell Differentiate into Spermatogonial Stem Cell after Induced by RA and the Study of Stra8 Promoter Region;RA诱导小鼠骨髓间充质干细胞分化为精原干细胞及Stra8启动子的研究

16.Cloning, Site-specific Mutation and Functional Analysis of Chemical-inducible Promoter;化学诱导启动子的克隆、定点突变及功能分析

17.A Study on Regulating Bax Expression by Radiation-inducible Egr-1 Promoter;Egr-1启动子放射诱导调控Bax基因表达的研究

18.Cloning of Cold-Stress Induced Gene and GPD Promoter from Straw Mushroom;草菇冷冻胁迫诱导表达基因和GPD启动子的克隆


pathogen inducible plant promoters(PPPs)病原物诱导性启动子

3)pathogen-inducible plant promoters(PPPs)病原物诱导的植物启动子

1.According to the sequence of pathogen-inducible plant promoters(PPPs) at Genebank,three promoters were cloned from tobacco genome,which were used to replace cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoters at pBI121.按GenBank中受病原物诱导的植物启动子(PPPs)的碱基序列设计3对引物,从烟草基因组中扩增到3个启动子PPP1,PPP2和PPP3。

4)inducible promoter诱导启动子

5)radiation-inducible promoter放射诱导启动子

1.Radiation-inducible promoters mediated CDglyTK gene in the treatment of Xenograft of human tongue squamous cell carcinoma in naked mice放射诱导启动子介导双自杀基因治疗舌鳞癌的实验研究

2.Objective To observe the therapeutic effect of CDglyTK gene mediated by syntheticradiation-inducible promoter in the treatment of Tca8113 cells.目的观察人工放射诱导启动子介导CDglyTK双自杀融合基因治疗Tca8113细胞的疗效,为舌鳞癌治疗探索新的途径。

3.【Objective】To synthesize theradiation-inducible promoter and construct eukaryotic cell expression recombinant pcDNA3.【目的】合成放射诱导启动子序列并构建其调控双自杀基因的真核表达质粒pcDNA3。

6)In vivo-inducible promoter内源诱导启动子



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