肿瘤康复网 > 新西兰大白兔乳腺肿瘤 VX2 breast cancer英语短句 例句大全

新西兰大白兔乳腺肿瘤 VX2 breast cancer英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-27 03:57:41


新西兰大白兔乳腺肿瘤,VX2 breast cancer

1)VX2 breast cancer新西兰大白兔乳腺肿瘤


1.Objectives: To determine and compare the patterns of the expression of potentially important genes in normal and lacerated discs and to determine if the changes in gene expression are similar to human degenerative discs byrabbit annular laceration model.目的:采用新西兰大白兔的纤维环损伤制作腰椎间盘退变模型,以证实和比较在人椎间盘退变中的基因变化情况。


1.Reparation of skin defect using autologous platelet-rich gel in New Zealand rabbits自体富血小板凝胶修复新西兰大白兔皮肤缺损

2.Rabbit may be appropriate to acting as animal model with type Ⅱ diabetes mellitus studied with ultrasonography.新西兰大白兔是超声研究 2型糖尿病心脏结构和功能变化?

3.An Elementary Trial Research for Small Bowel Anastomosis in a Rabbit Model by Using Stant;应用支架行新西兰大白兔小肠端端吻合术的初步试验性研究

4.Research of Modeling of Pneumonomycosis in Immunocompromised New Zealand Rabbit;免疫抑制状态下新西兰大白兔肺部真菌感染模型建立的研究

5.The Experimental Study on Inducement and Differentiation of the BMSCs from New Zealand Rabbits and Detection of Neural Biological Activity Materials;新西兰大白兔骨髓基质细胞的诱导分化及其生物活性物质分析的实验研究

6.Methods 40 New Zealand rabbits were randomly divided into 4 groups.方法40只新西兰白兔,随机分为4组,每组10只。

7.Effect of Omeprazole on Tachycardia-induced Electrical Remodeling of Rabbit Atria;奥美拉唑对新西兰白兔心房电重构的影响

8.The expression of PCNA in cornea and corneal limbus of New Zealand big ear rabbitPCNA在新西兰大耳兔角膜及角膜缘的表达

9.MethodsFifteen New Zealand whits albino rabbits were randomly divided into group A,B,and C.方法选取成年健康纯种新西兰白兔 15只 ,随机分为a、b、C 3组。

10.We used 21 New Zealand white rabbits, in which 7 rabbits were donors and 14 rabbits were acceptors.本实验采用21只新西兰白兔,其中7只为供体,14只为受体。

11.The Relaxation Effects of Tetrandrine on the Corpus Cavernosum Tissue of Rabbit in Vitro;粉防己碱对新西兰白兔阴茎海绵体的松弛作用及其机制研究

12.Study on Some Characteristics Correlated with Application of Experimental Closed Colony Newzealand White (NZW) Rabbit;实验型封闭群新西兰白兔与应用有关的生物学特性研究

13.A Pilot Study on Subretinal Transplantation of Autogenous Schwann Cells in New Zealand Rabbits;新西兰白兔自体Schwann细胞视网膜下移植的实验研究

14.The Different Effects of Momordicin on Vascular Stenosis of Rabbits after Carotid Arterial Transluminal Balloon Angioplasty and Perivascular Common Carotid Collar Placement;苦瓜蛋白对新西兰兔颈动脉球囊拉伤/套环后狭窄的影响

15.Detection and Analysis of Donor Stem Cells after Limbal Stem Cell Transplantation in New-Zealand Rabbits;新西兰白兔角膜缘干细胞移植后供体干细胞的检测与分析

16.Effects of ~(188)Re Irradiation Onartery Restenosis in New Zealand White Rabbits;~(188)Re球囊内照射对新西兰白兔血管再狭窄影响的研究

17.Effect of Probucal on Ischemia/Reperfusion-induced Myocyte Apoptosis in New Zealand White Rabbits;普罗布考对新西兰白兔缺血/再灌注心肌细胞凋亡的影响

18.Effect of Trimetazidine on Ischemia/Reperfusion-mediated Myocyte Apoptosis in New Zealand White Rabbits;曲美他嗪对新西兰白兔缺血/再灌注心肌细胞凋亡的影响



1.Objectives: To determine and compare the patterns of the expression of potentially important genes in normal and lacerated discs and to determine if the changes in gene expression are similar to human degenerative discs byrabbit annular laceration model.目的:采用新西兰大白兔的纤维环损伤制作腰椎间盘退变模型,以证实和比较在人椎间盘退变中的基因变化情况。

3)New Zealand rabbit新西兰大白兔

1.Method: 20New Zealand rabbits were divided into two groups by electro-physiological examination: dual-pathway group and non-dual-pathway group.方法:通过心电生理检查首先将20只新西兰大白兔分为两组即有双径路组和无双径路组,前者在给予电生理刺激(包括心房递增刺激、心房和心室的程控期前刺激)的过程中出现“跳跃现象”、蝉联现象或折返波或能诱发出房室结折返性心动过速,后者则不能。

2.[Objective]To Construct immunocompromisedNew Zealand rabbit models complicated pneumonomycosis infected with Cryptococcus neoformans,Candida albicans and Aspergillus fumigatus.目的:建立适合影像学研究使用的新西兰大白兔的新型隐球菌、白念菌、烟曲霉菌肺炎动物模型,为进一步的临床、病理、影像学诊断对照研究打下基础。

4)New Zealand White rabbits新西兰白兔

1.In this study, 80New Zealand White rabbits were divided into 5 groups according to body weight, and protein levels of 5 groups were 13.选用2月龄新西兰白兔80只,分为5组,日粮蛋白水平分别为13。

2.A total of 48 pregnant New Zealand white rabbits with approximate size in early two litters and same body condition were randomly divided into three groups to study the effects of the pawpaw on reproductive performance and lactation performance.选取前2胎产仔数相近、体况一致的新西兰白兔妊娠母兔48只,随机分成3组,探讨木瓜粉对母兔繁殖性能、泌乳量及血清激素等指标的影响。

5)New Zealand White rabbit新西兰白兔

1.Effect of Alfalfa Meal on Growth in New Zealand White Rabbit;苜蓿草粉对新西兰白兔生长的影响

2.Effect of Alfalfa and Barckoria on Growth Performance of New Zealand White Rabbit;奇可利和紫花苜蓿对新西兰白兔生产性能影响的研究

3.Methods: SixtyNew Zealand White rabbits were divided into control group(n=30) and irradiation group(n=30) randomly.目的:研究188Re血管内照射对新西兰白兔损伤血管内膜增生的影响,探讨188Re血管内照射对预防再狭窄的可行性。

6)New Zealand rabbit新西兰白兔

1.METHODS: 30 purebredNew Zealand rabbits burdened with tongue squamous cell carcinoma were randomly divided into 2 groups.方法:将30只荷舌癌的纯种新西兰白兔随机分为阿霉素组和阿霉素纳米微粒组,每组15只。

2.Methods Forty pure-bredNew Zealand rabbits inoculated with tongue squamous cell carcinoma were randomized into adriamycin group and adriamycin nanometer particles group,20 animals each.方法将40只荷舌癌的纯种新西兰白兔随机分成阿霉素纳米微粒组和阿霉素组,每组20只,以超选择性舌动脉插管分别注射阿霉素和阿霉素纳米微粒。

3.80 weanedNew Zealand rabbits were selected and divided into 4 groups averagely according to their weight and sex.选择80只断奶新西兰白兔,按体重、性别均匀分为4组,对照组日粮中含未经发酵处理的花生秧粉35%,试验Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ组分别在日粮中添加15%、25%、35%的发酵花生秧粉代替未经发酵的花生秧粉,测定30~70日龄阶段的日增重、耗料量和饲料转化率。


白兔1.亦作"白菟"。白色的兔子。古代以为瑞物。 2.月亮的代称。传说月中有白兔﹐故称。 3.相传为秦始皇的骏马名。 4.《古诗源.窦玄妻<古怨歌>》:"茕茕白兔﹐东走西顾。衣不如新﹐人不如故。"沈德潜注:"玄状貌絶异﹐天子使出其妻﹐妻以公主。妻悲怨﹐寄书及歌与玄。时人怜之。"后用为弃妇的典故。

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