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喉口 throat英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-24 13:44:50





1.open back deep throat press后开式深喉口压力机

2.Watermelon frost runhou tablet is effective good medicine of safety curing the phyarynx and larynx disease in oral cavity.结论:西瓜霜润喉片是治疗咽喉口腔疾病的安全有效的良药。

3.A narrow passage, such as a strait, through which shipping must pass.咽喉口船只必须穿过的如海峡等狭窄通道

4.gargle with salt water以盐水漱口 [喉]

5.Deep-throat A form of oral sex in which deeply into the recipient"s throat.深喉:口交的一种,深达受者的喉咙。

6.I"ve go a sore throat and my chest hurts.我喉咙发炎,胸口也痛。

7.toroidal throat Venturi nozzle喇叭口喉部文丘里喷嘴

8.inter fauces terrarum across the mouth of the river河口两岸咽喉地角间

9.Paddy"s heart seemed to block his throat.帕迪的心提到了喉咙口。

10.I have a sore throat and my chest hurts.我喉咙痛发炎,胸口疼。

11.My throat hurts . I "d better gargle .我喉咙发痛,得漱漱口。

12.My throat huts. I "d better gargle.我喉咙发痛,得漱漱口

13.To rinse or medicate(the mouth or throat)by gargling.以漱口的方式清洗或治疗(口腔或咽喉)

14.BUT there are often cuts and tears in the mouth, on the gums or in the throat但是口腔、牙龈或喉咙时常存在伤口或创口

15.tongue depressor压舌板,压舌片(检查口腔喉咙时用的)

16.The throat and mouth support a variety of microorganisms.咽喉与口腔中也存在着许多微生物。

17.Sweat leapt out on my forehead, and my heart slid into my throat.我额上冒出汗珠,我的心跳到了喉咙口。

18.Sensuously smooth, mysteriously mellow, gloriously golden.爽口顺喉,醇香美味,高尚名贵。


adjustable throat可调喉口

1.The working principle, the control rings, the regulation and the thoughts on the computer control of theadjustable throat system in the wet purification and recovery system of the converter gas are outline概述了转炉煤气湿法净化回收系统中可调喉口系统工作原理、控制环节系统调整及计算机控制的思

3)mouth and throat口咽喉部

1.Rescue of 3 cases of pediatricmouth and throat scald caused by hot liquid at the early stage;3例小儿口咽喉部高温热液烫伤的早期急救

4)Throat Diameter喉口直径


6)laryngostomic fistula喉造口瘘


喉口喉口 喉口 文献篇名。出《慎斋遗书》卷十。该书将口腔与咽喉病并为一篇,称为喉口。

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