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校准 calibration英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-23 04:12:27




1.The method forcalibration of the Gauge Block Grad 3;3等量块校准能力验证方法

2.Slope and Intercept Calculating with Excel in Calibration of Infrared Moisture Meter;利用Excel计算红外水分仪校准过程中的斜率和截距

3.Thecalibration method for the density sensor of drilling fluid.;钻井液密度传感器校准方法探讨


1.Sound calibratorsGB/T15173-1994声校准器

2.To calibrate your game controller, click Calibrate.要校准游戏控制器,请单击“校准”。

3.calibration marker校准指示器,校准标记(频标, 时标)

4.Appraisal of Calibration Uncertainty to Site Electric Energy Meter Calibration Instrument电能表现场校准仪校准不确定度评定

5.Methods for calibration of vibration and shock pick-ups--Primary shock calibration by light cuttingGB/T13823.13-1995振动与冲击传感器的校准方法光切割法冲击校准(一次校准)

6.calibrated measuring [volumetric]tank校准测量[容积计量]容器

7.calibrated measuring volumetrictank校准测量/容积计量容器

8.intercalibration (of observational instrumentation)观测仪器的相互校准

9.calibration equation校准公式,分度公式

10.remote automatic calibration system远距离自动校准系统

11.calibration of workload model工作负荷模型的校准

12.emergent stem correction水银柱露出部分的校准

13.calibration factor of the primary device一次装置的校准系数

14.You must regulate a watch that runs slow.你必须把走慢的表校准。

15.My watch loses time, please regulate it.我的表慢了,请给我校准。

16.skid-mounted meter prover橇装式流量校准装置

17.quartz crystal calibration equipment石英晶体频率校准仪

18.amplitude calibration unit振幅校准器振幅测量器



1.Mixed fresh serum of patients as a temporary calibrator forcalibrate of non-matchinganalytic system患者新鲜混合血清作为临时校准液校正非配套检测系统

2.Objective To observe whether the same calibrator can directlycalibrate the different analytic systems.目的 观察同一校准品能否直接用于校正非配套检测系统。

3.In this paper, we introduced a new auto-calibrate VNA design method for antenna test system.本文简要介绍了一种在大批量生产天线时通过对Jig测试板全自动校准矢量网络分析仪的方法。


1.Theadjustment and application of Aquafluor on the measure of Chla with live algae cell analytical method in the backwater of the tributary in the Three Gorges Reservoir;Aquafluor藻细胞活体分析法在三峡库区次级河流回水区Chla测定中的校准及应用

2.The Uncertainty Analysis of HP8902A Power Level Adjustment Device;HP8902A功率电平校准装置的不确定度分析

3.The reason andadjustment method of the full electronic part hour electric metre are analysed and some suggestions about failure at the site are presente对PHASE 3型全电子式分时电能表的工作原理、校准方法进行分析 ,并就现场运行中经常出现的问题提出处理方法和建议。


1.Calibration andcorrection methods for the transform coefficients of the atmospheric visibility system by aerosol forward-scattering theory;气溶胶前向散射大气能见度测量系统传递系数的标定及校准方法

2.Based on the practicalcorrection of oil depot flowmeter,the effects of inaccurate temperature measurement,application of electro-hydraulic valve and standard tank,and the determination of upstream machine discharge coefficients on flowmetercorrection were analyzed,and the improvement suggestions and treating method were presented as well.结合石油库流量计校准实际工作,依据《流体容积式流量计检定规程》(JJG667—1997)分析了温度测量不准确和电液阀、标准罐的使用及上位机流量系数的确定对流量计检定结果的影响,并提出了相应的改进建议和处理方法。

3.On the basis of the Lambert-Beer Law,a new four stepcorrection method is introduced.针对实际环境中的非线性因素所产生的偏差,首先分析了非线性因素的成因,而后提出一套四步校准方法:标准吸收截面的插值;光谱区域的加权组合;使用新的样品池采集光谱;非线性系数的最小二乘拟合。


1.The article chiefly gives the algorithm formulae forcalibrating the amplitude and phase.介绍了一种在SDP平台下对多种交流信号采样时采用的一种异步采样方法,分析了由于异步采样所造成的相位系统误差,主要给出了相位和幅值校准的算法公式。

2.Measuring system ofcalibrating electrostatic discharge simulator is described in detail.2-1998中静电放电试验的静电放电模拟器工作原理和使用方法,对校准静电放电模拟器测量系统作了详细说明,并给出了用校准系统测量静电放电模拟器的测量数据。

3.Vibration-measured-and-controlled instrument (VMC) used forcalibrating vibration sensors automatically has been studied, and the designing project of VMC which is made up of program-controlling waveform generator, program-controlling voltmeter and the EPP interface is discussed, then the controlling program is also discussed.对测振传感器自动校准的振动校准装置测控系统进行了研究,分别阐述了硬件和软件的设计思想,并对系统进行了实测分析。




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