肿瘤康复网 > 唯美情感短句:明明抬头就是氧气 却宁愿孤独到窒息

唯美情感短句:明明抬头就是氧气 却宁愿孤独到窒息

时间:2023-05-01 03:21:58


明明抬头就是氧气,却宁愿孤独到窒息。Obviously the rise is oxygen, but would rather lonely to suffocation.

我爱你始于初见,止于终老。My love is kept for you from the first sight to the end of life.


All you meet is providence, and all you have is lucky.

明明不是我喜欢的那种人,偏偏是我喜欢的那个人。He is clearly not the kind of person I like, but only the one I like.


The person who loves you will not leave because of your cold, 要走的人不会因为你的挽留而停步。

and the person who wants to go will not stop because of your retention.

后来我终于知道,他并不是我的花,我只是恰好途径了他的绽放。Then I finally knew that he was not my flower, but I just happened to be in the way of his blooming.

回得了的地方,回不了的时光。Back to the place, can not go back to the past.

终有一天,你会静心下来,像个局外人一样看自己的故事,笑着摇摇头。One day, you will calm down and look at your story like an outsider and shake your head with a smile.


Begin with the heart, finally the white, embrace the good, companion is warm.

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