肿瘤康复网 > 大数据和人工智能改变医疗行业(双语)


时间:2023-04-14 11:57:08


Ali Health is focused on nurturing a big data system to upgrade its existing medical operation. 阿里健康专注于建立大数据系统来升级现有的医疗操作。 Last month, the subsidiary of Alibaba Group Holding Ltd wheeled out its cloud platform in cooperation with Wanli Cloud Medical Information Technology Co Ltd in Beijing. 上个月,阿里巴巴集团旗下的子公司与北京万里云医疗信息技术有限公司合作推出了云平台。 This will forge a link between hospitals at grassroots level, patients and medical professionals in fields such as imaging services. 该平台将为基层医院、病人和医疗专业人员之间建立联系,比如成像服务。 In addition, an artificial intelligence, or AI, system has been built into the platform. Known as "Doctor You", it can help medical professionals with clinical diagnosis, as well as acting as a training outlet. 此外,平台还内置了人工智能。它被称为“Doctor You”,它可以帮助医疗专业人员进行临床诊断,也可以作为培训系统。 AI technology should improve the working efficiency of doctors and reduce the rate of misdiagnosis, said Wang Lei, the chief executive officer of Ali Health. "It will soon enter hospitals to help medical professionals." “人工智能技术应提高医生的工作效率,降低误诊率,”阿里健康的首席执行官王磊说。“它很快就会进入医院帮助医护人员。” Big data is key to Ali Health’s plan. 大数据是阿里健康计划的关键。 During the past few years, it has become a vital pillar of the information industry, and is used to crunch vast amounts of complex statistics to show patterns and trends in business and consumer habits. 在过去的几年里,大数据已经成为信息产业的一个重要支柱,用途是处理大量复杂的统计数据,以显示商业和消费习惯的模式和趋势。 The term has percolated into nearly every aspect of working life since it was coined in the 1990s as a way of measuring efficiency. But it can also be used to produce detailed information on the personal habits of customers or in this case patients. 大数据作为衡量效率的一种方法,自从20世纪90年代被创造出来,这个术语已经渗透到工作生活的几乎所有方面。它也可以用来生成消费者个人习惯的详细信息,同样的原理也可以适用于病人。 With big data and the internet, we plan to build a whole healthcare industry ecosystem, including services, a medical e-commerce platform, personal health management and insurance, Wang said. “有了大数据和互联网,我们计划建立一个完整的医疗行业生态系统,包括服务、医疗电子商务平台、个人健康管理和保险,”王说。 We tend to provide comprehensive healthcare solutions to improve the efficiency of seeing a doctor or buying drugs, he added. 他补充说:“我们倾向于提供全面的医疗解决方案,以提高看病或买药的效率。” Established in , Ali Health is small compared with other parts of Alibaba, but it is still recognized as a crucial component of the group. 阿里健康成立于,与阿里巴巴其他公司相比规模较小,但仍被认为是该集团的重要组成部分。 Listed in Hong Kong, it has just 300 staff with almost half of them engineers. 在香港上市的公司只有300名员工,其中近一半是工程师。 We are now concentrating on techniques and platforms that will transform the sector, said Wang, who added that healthcare big data systems are still in their infancy across the world. 他说:“我们现在专注于开发改变整个行业的技术和平台。”他补充说,医疗大数据系统仍处于起步阶段。 Still, Ali Health’s main online business, including pharmaceutical e-commerce and intelligent medical care, is expanding. 尽管如此,阿里健康的主要在线业务,包括医药电子商务和智能医疗,正在逐渐扩大。 Figures released by the company showed that e-commerce revenue reached 378.8 million yuan ($56.5 million) in the last fiscal year, which ended on March 31. This accounted for 79.7 percent of total revenue, which was in excess of 475 million yuan. 该公司公布的数据显示,截至3月31日的上一财年电子商务收入达到3.788亿元(合0.565亿美元)。占总收入(超过4.75亿元)的79.7%。 But despite these numbers showing a more than 739 percent increase on the previous year, Ali Health reported a net loss of 98.33 million yuan. 但是,尽管这些数字比前一年增长了739%,但阿里健康报告净亏损9833万元。 (编辑:何莹莹)

