肿瘤康复网 > 中国学者发表学术文章 外国期刊竟要求删除南海九段线

中国学者发表学术文章 外国期刊竟要求删除南海九段线

时间:2020-01-09 03:37:08


原标题:被曝要作者删南海九段线 《自然》旗下期刊回应

Scientific Reports是国际权威杂志《自然》旗下的综合性科学期刊,日前,中国科学院水生生物研究所的谢平研究员在博客上披露,在邮件沟通中,该刊要求作者在包含台湾的中国地图中用“大中华”,并要求删掉南海九段线。此事随后引起该杂志编辑部关注,向原作者发邮件对事件做了澄清与说明。Nature Asia网站也发布了正式声明的中英文对照版。声明表示,这些要求都属于建议性质,是非强制性的,研究者可自行加以选择。

8月20日,谢平在科学网的博客中称,“学术本应该是非政治的,可有一些西方生产的杂志却不愿如此,它们一方面大赚中国人的钱财(大发文章,高价收费),一方面还要上演反华的伎俩,挂着Nature(《自然》)出版集团旗号的Scientific Reports就是其中一个。”

原来,最近一个朋友向谢平诉说了他的不悦经历:他有篇文章即将在 Scientific Reports 发表,竟然收到刊物发来信函,要求包含台湾的中国地图中用大中华“Greater China”,并要求删掉南海九段线“omit the nine-dashline”。谢平指出,大中华在人文和经济层面上泛指中国地区和受中华文化主导或中华文化影响较大地区,如泛指则包括新加坡、马来西亚等地,因此,就不是国家了,而是大中华地区了。




Dear Prof XX (这位朋友的名字省去了)

In checking your manuscript submitted to Scientific Reports it has come to our attention that the following must be addressed before we can process your submission:

-- Scientific Reports uses the term‘Greater China’ to describe a map that includes Taiwan. Please could you use the term ‘Greater China’ to describe your map in text, legends and labels?If you prefer not to make these changes, please email your reason to scientificreports@

Your paper has been placed back in the Author Approval Folder; you may access it viathe following link:

http://mts-/cgi (Press/Clickon the above link to be automatically sent to the web page.)

To makecorrections to any of the files follow the “Modify Manuscript Files” link. If you need to amend any of the current information in the online submissionsystem follow the link “Modify Manuscript Data”.

If you need to upload new/replacement files please ensure that you have validated and approved the files and clicked on the final ‘Approve Submission’ button toreturn the manuscript to the quality check stage.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.


Manuscript Administration

Scientific Reports

4 Crinan Street

London N19XW

E-mail: scientificreports@


It is Scientific Reports practice to omit the nine-dash line from articles, unless inclusion of the line is essential to the scientific context of the paper (for background see /nature/ journal/v478/n7369/full/ 478285a.html). Please could you remove the nine-dash line from your map? If you feel that inclusion of the line is essential, please state your reason via email to scientificreports@.

以下是Scientific Reports的声明与回应:

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